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Psychology of ‘Soul’, a story that will not leave you indifferent

pelicula soul analisis psicologia

Bravo Píxar! You have gone back to thrill me. Soul Is the new film of animation of the alliance Disney-Píxar on the purposes of the life that submerges to the viewer in a history on the true sense of the existence. It is the film that all psychologist would have to recommend to his customers in a process of vocational orientation or personal development, and more now that so much it is fashionable the research (without sense) of the happiness. At the end of this article will find an analysis of interesting psychological concepts that touch  along all the history.

‘Soul’, psychology for the life

I do not want to do spoilers of the film

. I consider that it is essential to comprise the history in first person without that anybody explain it to you previously. Each person will feel  identified of different way, but absolutely all will be it. Because all are people, and all have thinking sometime what do with our life. Therefore I will encircle me to give some brushstrokes supporting me mainly in the trailer of the film so that the rest, surque through your own interpretation. Perhaps inside some months when it no longer was spoiler deepen in detail in the film.

As already it did it Píxar in other previous successes like Inside Out, Up, or Coco, in Soul speaks  on emotions, management of the time, personal welfare, purposes and those things that motivate us to live giving him vital importance to our mental health. It is a film for all the publics, in which the most greater will identify  with his dreams and ideals of life (stray or achieved) and the smallest, in his construction of his own emotional intelligence will have a resource more to learn of the values that transmits the history.

What is what does that you are you?

The trailer begins with a sentence that resume practically all the film “Some time have asked you what is what does that you are you?”. As this is what asks  the protagonist of this history, Joe Gardner, a professor of music that has a dream: touch professionally in a band of jazz. Here it goes in something very important during all the history: the music. The band sounded is excellent during all the feature film and does you submerge you much more inside the history.

Joe Gadner, the orientador improvised

Our protagonist turns into an improvised mentor, coach, orientador, psychologist, pedagogo or call it as you want to, that has to guide to a soul called ’22’ in his process for finding the passion of his life. ’22’ it does not attain to find his purpose, his passion, that as for Joe is the music, wake up him his interest for living, what in the film calls the “spark” to fit in the world that surrounds us. Both finds  in “the Further back” that it is the place where the souls form his only personality before travelling to the earth and find his passions with the help of mentors.

I will not explain as it arrives  to this situation because but if that go in in terrain of spoilers. The case is that ’22’ had to big personalities of the history of the humanity like mentors without results, until it arrived Joe to attain develop his personality. They sound you the processes of personal development?

Psychological keys of ‘Soul’

In my eagerness to attain write the article without deshilachar the history go to only mention those appearances by which ‘Soul’ turns into a very good tool to work our personal development and vocational orientation-vital. It is a very recommended film to see, so much if you are the orientador like the oriented, as if you are a person that does not find  in any of these processes. Eye, with only see the film and listen his inspiring sentences, that there are them, hardly go to attain a change. It remembers that it does not happen at all for supporting  in a professional to attain your aims, to the equal that do in the film.

We go to the grain. Soul Touches a lot of fields related with the psychology or the work of a psychologist, although some a so much metaphysical or philosophical, but that sure serve of key to give him a more realistic and practical sense. During the visualisation of the film sure that you are able to relate all these psychological keys that could work  to educational level so much in boys as in adults:

Sure that there is other a lot of appearances of the human behaviour or of our lives that see  reflected in the film. More advance, perhaps do another article detailing better each one of these concepts and others that go me  occurring on this brilliant film. If you know of some subject that go out along the film do not doubt in leaving it in the comments of the article.

Finally, a reflection more without spoilers that also says  in the own trailer:

“Here the souls do not shatter , for this is the life in the earth.”

Thank you Píxar. Thank you Soul. Thank you Joe. Thank you ’22’.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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