
(English) Tips For Psychology Students To Overcome Hypertension During Exams

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Students went through tremendous pressure during their academic journey. And the most challenging part is the examination. They study hard, but still, tension is around them all the time during their educational career. There are different reasons students struggle in exams. Some of them are:

  • Knowledge gaps
  • Not sure how to approach the exam questions
  • Exam anxiety & psychological pressure
  • Poor exam management skills
  • Lack of strategy and study plan

There are several tips and tactics that can help a psychology student overcome these challenges.

Well, if your exams are on your head and you do not have too much time left, then you should follow some quick tips to deal with your exams successfully.

Tips For Shorter Period Of Time

Since we do not have so much time in this scenario, you will not be able to organize things properly. Below tips suggested by Dissertation Assistance can help you get some quick learning sessions and pass your exams on the go.

  1. Remember that you need to be strong psychologically. Always have faith and trust in yourself.
  2. Ask your friends to teach you. Find a suitable person in your class who is good at studies and social enough to interact. This guy can be a change for you. Learn important things from your friend.
  3. Look for the seniors who have past papers. Some seniors always keep past papers with them. These papers can help you get an idea about the exam structure and important questions as well.
  4. Request your teacher to tell you the important topics. Teachers normally help with this. Mark those topics and prepare for them.
  5. Make flow charts and diagrams to remember and memorize important areas.
  6. Try to memorize quickly. Focus on headings, calculations, graphs, diagrams. These could help you memorize any topic fast.
  7. Read out the text load. Write it again and again so that you can remember it at the time of examination.
  8. Avoid distractions. Choose a place where no one can disturb you.
  9. Get proper sleep before you start studying. It is necessary so that your brain can remember things.
  10. Test yourself by practicing a previous paper at a specific time.
  11. It’s more about psychology. Be relaxed, believe in yourself and give it your best shot. You can do it.

Now let’s look at some tips if you have enough time when you can organize your routine.

Tips For Longer Period Of Time

If you have just got your admission or your exams are 3 to 4 months away, you can develop your schedule and practice things to strengthen your health. It will ultimately help you better attempt your examination and improve your performance.

Your academic performance depends upon three major factors, your mental strength, physical fitness and your academic efforts. Here are some tips to improve yourself in all three sections to perform better and overcome hypertension during exams.

Improve Mental Endurance

There are several exercises to improve mental health being a psychology student. Some are as follows.

1.    Mindfulness Exercise

MBSR is recommended by doctors to help you enhance your mental health. It is one of the best exercises to reduce your stress. It is an exercise that can be done walking, sitting or lying. All you need is to focus on any one part of your body. For instance, close your eyes and focus on your heartbeat. You will feel better.

2.    Meditation

Source: Chopra

Similar to the mindfulness exercise, it also focuses on your body. You can sit in a posture, close your eyes, and breathe. Make sure that you are sitting at a quiet place where you can listen to your breath. This can relax your mind, and you will feel fresh.

3.    Think Positive

It is important to not talk about what has gone wrong in your life. Learn from it and move on. Make it a practice to think about the positives of your life and how you have improved over the years.

4.    Pennebaker’s Expressive Writing

Source: Pexels

It is about writing what you have in mind. Just pencil your thoughts down on the paper. Do it nonstop and write whatever you have in mind. It can help you feel better as you can put out your negative thoughts. Practice it 15 minutes a day.

Be Physically Fit

Along with mental health, it is really important to be physically fit. According to human psychology, if you are not physically fit, it’s difficult to relax your mind.

1.    Practice Yoga

Yoga itself is a physical yet mental health booster. Try different postures, and you will see improvements in your body.

2.    Give Some Time To Gym

Go to the gym for 15 to 20 minutes. There is no need to be passionate about being muscular. All you should do is do cardio exercise so that all your muscles can remain active.

3.    Go For A Short Walk

Source: Pexels

Going for a walk is also great exercise. It is about giving yourself some time. You can enjoy nature, and it can be a booster for your mental health along with keeping you physically active.

4.    Some More Physical Exercises

You can also opt for cycling, jogging, swimming, some sort of sports to enhance emotional intelligence and to keep your body active and fit.

Manage Academic Schedule To Handle Hypertension During Exams

With physical and mental health, you will be able to give your hundred percent during examinations. Be psychologically strong and believe in your abilities. All you need is to focus on some points to stand tall during the examination.

  • Set a goal and remember it.
  • Attend your class regularly.
  • Take out a couple of hours for self-study.
  • Reduce your phone usage, specifically at night.
  • Manage your time by making a schedule.
  • Note things down to remember the work you have to do.
  • Make your own notes according to the teacher’s lecture.
  • Engage yourself in group studies.
  • Try to implement theory practically as it will develop your interest more in academics.

Following these points can help you improve yourself, and you will get rid of all sorts of tension during examinations.

Claudia Jeffrey

Claudia Jeffrey is currently working as an Editor QA at Crowd Writer, where she trains assignment writers UK to help students from various subjects. Claudia is a health freak and keeps herself fit. She practices yoga and meditation regularly to be intact physically and mentally.

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