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(English) Classic and Unique: 5 Memorable Gift Ideas

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Since time immemorial, gifts have served to remind us how much we love and appreciate those who care for us. We shower our gifts on people who matter to us, sometimes on their birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion. On the other hand, we just give gifts to our loved ones for no reason except to let them know just how much they mean to us. Let us take a quick look at some of the timeless classic and unique gifts that are sure to make the recipient brim over with joy and happiness:

  1. Fine art

A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ goes an old saying and it holds perfectly true since great art is absolutely timeless. It can captivate you with its beauty and keep you enthralled for a very long time indeed. It shows that you appreciate the recipient’s artistic and higher senses and also go out of your way to cater to them. A work of art can be anything from a painting to a sculpture to a drawing. In fact, you can create your own art and give it to the people you care about the most. They will see the sheer effort you have put into their gift and they will be able to figure out at a glance, just how much you care about them. Finally, such gifts will be a telling display of your own finely honed aesthetic sense, as well as an appreciation of fine art.

  1. Books

There are very few things that are as amazing as a classic book. Moreover, a new book with an attractive cover and spine would look amazing on any bookshelf. If the recipient likes to read, he/she would definitely appreciate this gift. After all, readers love and appreciate good books. Perhaps, best of all, you will be able to delight your loved ones with the many hours they will enjoy reading the book or books you give them. Through those books, they will be able to transcend time and space and enter a magical realm that has been created by the authors for every reader who reads these books.

  1. Give your loved ones a watch

A swiss made watch is a great gift idea since it never goes out of style and is the ultimate in classic gifts. The Swiss are world-renowned for the sheer excellence of their craftsmanship and their watches are just another chip off the old block. Here a Formex watch is the quintessential swiss made watch that has all the qualities that make it the ultimate gift for the discerning receiver. Many Formex watches come equipped with a state-of-the-art suspension system. They have been engineered to easily absorb all kinds of rough usage and harsh treatment without leading to any damage to the watch. Finally, these watches have excellent resale as well as investment value. As a matter of fact, Swiss watches including the Formex brand are known to increase their value over time. This is another reason why they make such excellent gifts for your loved ones.

  1. Crockery and cutlery sets

There would hardly be any household in the world that does not use either cutlery or crockery. However, these items tend to break, become scratched, or get lost over time. Giving your loved one/s such a practical gift will be an ideal way of showing that you care about them. A branded cutlery set in its own large wooden case would easily become a priceless family heirloom to be cherished for generations.

  1. Perfume

A soft yet powerful perfume

can become a much sought-after gift for just about anyone who likes a good fragrance. In fact, perfumes are often the ‘go-to ‘choice for many people who want to give a memorable gift. Every time your loved ones put on the perfume you gifted them, they would not be able to help thinking about you.

  • Conclusion

Giving and receiving gifts is a tradition as old as time itself. All of the above are great ideas for people who love a classic gift. However, a swiss made watch such as a Formax watch would be the ultimate gift for your loved one/s.


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