
(English) Tips for Staying Safe during Travel

travel safe

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We all would love to take a short break from our normal routine once in a while. To take time off the ever-busy schedules and all the problems of life and just to relax somewhere quiet, worrying less and enjoying the world’s beautiful sceneries and natural resources. But the worry of leaving your comfort zone for some strange place keeps most of us from not traveling. This worry is understandable because personal and financial safety should be a priority for everyone. But then, we cannot afford to miss out on the many positives that come with regular vacations. That is why you need these tips for staying safe during travel.

  1. Seek the most private place for your stay


The more crowded a place is, the higher the chances of having opportunistic robbers or con men amongst them. During peak seasons for hotels, especially during summertime, most guests will go for hotel rooms and they eventually get overcrowded. The room attendants change shifts every single day and you have no control over who gets inside your room. You eat what is in the buffet which could sometimes be not very safe for a sensitive stomach.

Many privacy-conscious people opt to stay in family vacation rentals. These rentals give you and your family all the privacy you need- you only have to share a key with your travel partner if you have any. You have the freedom to choose who will be coming in for housekeeping or you can choose to housekeep and cook your own food. This does not only decrease the risk of theft but also you stay safe from contracting infectious diseases and viruses such as coronavirus.

  1. Do not carry valuables and documents that you won’t use

It is advisable to only carry what you must have. For instance, you can leave your laptop and cameras behind and just use your smartphone to capture moments. Few valuables are easy to carry around and to fully focus on when you are around people. Bring your most essential documents like your passport and bank cards and make sure you make copies so that, in case of losing them, it will be easier to report and replace them. Opt for a room with a safe where you can lock the valuables or money because it is safer than moving around with a backpack and a wallet.

  1. Research thoroughly your destination

Before settling on a city or country to visit, first find out which areas are less safe and which are most safe within your destination. The level of development with respect to social amenities such as hospitals and police accessibility can guide you in that regard. You can also follow up on the happenings, especially if their political temperatures are high, through social media and international daily reports. Learn some important laws of the land- if there are any curfews and restrictions and at what time to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law. If you can, learn some common etiquette to avoid offending the locals unknowingly.


  1. Ensure you have the important contacts and emergency numbers

It is advisable to know where or who you can run to for help in case you need it. Most importantly, let your embassy know of your arrival and where you intend to stay. Make sure you meet all the requirements of the law for you to be there legally. In the event you fall sick or get into an accident, you can call for medical support, or call for security support in case you smell something fishy. Avoid getting too drunk to ensure you are thinking clearly all the time.


  1. Be cautious with the information you share with strangers

Yes, traveling can help you make new friends but while at it, be very careful with what you say about yourself to the other person. No matter how nice they may seem, they are still strangers to you. Not everybody will want to be your friend; some might take advantage to trick and con you. Sharing everything about your whereabouts on social media can put you in harm’s way since it becomes easy to track your movements and you become an easy target for robbers. You can share everything after your trip. Furthermore, be careful when using public and free Wi-Fi, as that’s when hackers are on standby to hijack your personal information on your phone. In this case, you can opt for a VPN, such as NordVPN, which will send your traffic through an encrypted network that is much more secure to use, and very difficult to decipher for hackers. If you’d like to know more about this VPN, take a look at this NordVPN Review)


  1. Avoid solo traveling

Traveling alone does not only make you feel lonely, but it is also very risky for you since there is no one to watch your back. Your companion can be able to sense some danger around you that you cannot or figure out a scam, you can confidently walk around even at night unlike when you are alone. In case you fall sick, there is someone to call for help or assist you in case of a minor injury.



When on travel, whether alone or with a company there are always some risks involved. But with extra care, you can be able to combat most of them and get the best one ever. Safety starts with you. Do what you must to ensure personal safety whether traveling or not.




Duncan Hendren

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