The companies, or any another type of organisation that involve direction of teams of work, as they can be the sportive teams, need a director of orchestra that know to manage eficientemente diverse situations to face the future of the organisation successfully. The problem is to choose to the best director of orchestra so that this no desafine.
Managers of the own organisation or of out?
The ideal would be always can form inside the own organisation to able leaders to direct it the day of morning. The leader does not be born, does.
We put the example of a sportive team. The directors of the club have to decide before the start of the pre-season if fichan to a trainer foráneo or give him the opportunity to some trainer of the quarry. Because yes, the clubs no only have to form players, but also able trainers to lead professional teams.
The leader does not be born, does .
The case of a leader done home.
A case that know personally is the one of Diego Ríos, professional trainer of futsal, that in 2011, took the reins of a professional team of the First Division of the National Futsal League of Spain, had such alone 27 years. It kept to the team in the First Division of the best league of the world during the 3 seasons that was at the top of the technical team and consecrated like professional trainer. Trainer disclosure formed home. It led to a group of sportsmen that trusted he under a methodology of work of quarry worked previously.
And I repeat, the quarry are so many technicians like players. With the majority of players of the quarry that knew the system of work to perfection, those that had to adapt to the new situation were the players foráneos. More known are the cases of the Barça of Guardiola or the AthleticClub of Bilbao, big formadores of future leaders.
Form leaders from inside.
In a company happens the same. When knowing better the organisation, his philosophy and structures the time of adaptation will be inferior to a director foráneo and the mates to his time will adapt better to the new situation. When we need fichar out of the organisation this cycle it will be necessary reiniciarlo for each new person that incorporate . Obviously, this is an ideal and no always is possible to achieve it by what if we do not have an internal leader it will be necessary to attend to the external labour market to look for to the that more adjust .
Differences between an agent and a leader.
According to Warden, Married and Vilallonga (2003) the organisations have to be conscious that the business results are owed directly to the actions of all the members of the organisation, being the behaviour of the leader the most notable since it is the reference of the organisation. It is by this that the directors have to happen to be managing to be leaders, generally transformative .
>> Article related: Empowerment: the art to know delegate.
The personality of a leader.
No all the world goes to become leader, only those that achieve to gather the qualities of characteristic personality of a good leader will achieve it. These skills of leadership also can work, although although it is true that exist people with greater genetic predisposition for this. Some of the skills of a leader are what follows:
- Personal skills: autoconfianza, self-criticism, autoeducación, objectivity, feedback, patience, firmness, generosity and asertividad.
- Skills of relation: communicative, consideration to the other, negotiation, convencimiento, empathy, delegation, perception of the world that surrounds it, sensitivity, sincerity and transparency.
- Skills for the direction of groups: definition of the mission, values and aims to attain; I handle of meetings; managerial and institutional presence.
13 Main differences between agent and leader.
These are 13 of the main different between agent and leader, with some links to other articles related with some of them:
- Planning: an agent schedules annual, quarterly and mensualmente; whereas a leader does it annual, weekly and even daily.
- Execution and assessment: an agent does it to the quarter, to the month or in the best cases daily. A good leader executes and values the work daily.
- You adjust: to the equal that in the previous point, whereas the agent does it monthly or trimestralmente the leader adjusts to the needs day in day out.
- Training: an agent does not follow forming; a leader forms daily and has some aims for the improvement of the exert, so much personal as for the group of work. >> Article related: Train to train: the importance to form in competitions
- You put: for an agent put them are the imposed by the organisation. For a leader put them are imposed by the market where works. For example, a sportive trainer would be an agent if it conforms with keeping the category (if it is the aim of the club); a leader will achieve this aim and will aspire to which the situation of the team in the classification award him (European classification). >> Article related: How establish put motivational by part of the trainer-educating.
- Style of direction: the agents are used to to be authoritarian, whereas the leader is the example of all.
- Discipline: the agent governs by the norms and the orders that marks the organisation; for a leader the discipline is part of the values and his own personal example.
- Relations: the agents have employed; the leaders followers.
- Stage of work: an agent is in his office; a leader in the field of work.
- Selection of personnel: the agent delegates the selection totally; the leader directs it and executes personally, but with support of other areas of work.
- Motivational systems: the agent bases the motivation of his employees in his economic wage; a leader in addition to motivating with a just wage, proposes individual motivational systems that allow the development of the career. >> Article related: Like motivating to the employees: 7 basic motivations.
- Accompaniment: the agent only supervises, controls and gives orders of occasional form; the leader accompanies daily to his workers and observes his personal growth proposing new plans of action in case to be necessary.
- Systems of work: an agent is one; a leader works in team.
>> Article related: you Train to a group or to a team? 10 differences between team and group.
Form to your employees in skills of leadership is not a loss of time, is an investment of future. And you, are an agent or a leader?
Alcaide, F., Casado, J.M., Vilallonga M. (2003). Coaching Directivo: Desarrollando el liderazgo: fundamentos y práctica del coaching. Editorial Ariel: Barcelona.
[…] las diferencias entre líder y gestor pueden parecer claras a partir del hecho que un líder no necesariamente debe trabajar en una […]