Emotional Intelligence

What is psychological well-being? Factors of subjective happiness.

They exist so many types of psychological welfare like people there is in the world. The psychological welfare or also called subjective, is a constructo complex and multidimensional related directly with the own personal experience and the consistent vital operation optimum that each one believes more hit regarding his needs and wishes.

  1. The psychological welfare from different perspectives.
  2. Perspective hedónica of the subjective welfare.
  3. Pespectiva eudainómica Of the psychological welfare.
  4. Positive emotions and welfare.
  5. 10 factors that affect to the psychological welfare.

The psychological welfare from different perspectives.

To understand better the concept of psychological welfare can focus two different perspectives the hedónica and the eudaimónica.

Perspective hedónica of the subjective welfare.

From this point of view equates  the happiness with the welfare. That when we are happy? When we attain the pleasure and avoid the pain, but no referred to the physical component but to the achievement or no of put them or the results to which aspire and the report that it supposes us. That is to say, feel us valued by our merits.

This type of psychological welfare is more known like subjective and composes  of:

  • Vital satisfaction: what each one thinks on his own life.
  • Specific satisfaction: as they find  determinate important appearances pair the life of the subject (work, health, couple, family, friendships, economy…)
  • Positive affection: experience a lot of pleasant positive emotions.
  • Negative affection: experience few negative emotions displacenteras.

What for me is welfare, does not have reason be it for the neighbour.

Perspective eudaimónica and psychological welfare.

In this case, as it would say the afamado humanist Abraham Maslow, the psychological welfare centres  in the autorrealización and the development of the true individual potential. The psychological welfare achieves  when a person lives of agreement to his own self. That is to say, when the activities of his life are coherent to his personal values. In this case the components of the psychological welfare are:

  • Autonomy.
  • Personal growth.
  • Autoaceptación.
  • Positive relations.
  • Competition.
  • Vital purpose.

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Common appearances to both perspectives: 

The happiness depends on the dimensions frequency and intensity. The people that experience more happiness are not those that do it of intense way but those that experience positive emotions more frequently in spite of being of way less intense.

The people are able to adapt us to the situations of the surroundings (already was in positive or negative) but return to our basic line of psychological welfare or happiness.

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If we work with our emotions and state anímico can achieve that this basic line of happiness increase  paulatinamente, overcoat in those cases in which it does not perceive  welfare like such or exists some lack.

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Positive emotions and welfare.

Distinguish between positive and negative emotions is of vital importance to know our threshold of psychological welfare. Those that more positive emotions feel more physical and psychological welfare. This yes, have to take into account also the adaptative function of the negative emotions.

The positive emotions have effects on the physical health, the system imnológico sees  increased thanks to them by what form part of our defensive barrier against illnesses. Besides, the positive emotions provide information that reinforces  of pleasant form by what influences directly in our behaviour and internal state.

They exist cientos of emotions that combine  between them, as it represents  in the wheel of the emotions of Plutchik, but go to show some examples between positive and negative emotions so that it remain the clear concept:


positive Emotions. 
  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Affection
  4. Compassion
  5. Esperanza
  6. Libertad
  7. Attainment
  8. Justice
  9. Gratitude
  10. Acceptance
  11. Accompaniment
  12. Goodness
  13. Admiration
  14. Friendliness
  15. Relief
  16. Pride
  17. Empathy
  18. Apego
  19. Approval
  20. Honesty
  21. Humility
  22. Tolerance
  23. Motivation
  24. Felicidad
  25. Firmness
  26. Fortress
  27. Autonomia
  28. Honorabilidad
  29. Optimism
  30. Satisfaction
  31. Security
  32. Charm
  33. Affection
  34. Esteem
  35. Understanding
  36. Enthusiasm
  37. Solidarity
  38. Respect
  39. Passion
  40. Paz
  41. Pleasure
  42. Commitment
  43. Illusion
  44. Interest
  45. Confidence
  46. Support
  47. Happy
  48. Dignity

Negative emotions
  1. Sadness
  2. Melancholy
  3. Abandonment
  4. Boredom
  5. Abuse
  6. Absence
  7. Need
  8. Desmotivación
  9. Anxiety
  10. Aggression
  11. I overwhelm
  12. Anxiety
  13. Disgust
  14. Revenge
  15. Shame
  16. Empty
  17. Hostility
  18. Humiliation
  19. Fear
  20. Terror
  21. Betrayal
  22. Lastima
  23. Manipulation
  24. Fear
  25. Frustration
  26. Fury
  27. Soledad
  28. Grudge
  29. Anger
  30. Pena
  31. Hate
  32. I anger
  33. Deception
  34. Stress
  35. Duel
  36. Enojo
  37. Envy
  38. Distrust
  39. Impotence
  40. Embarrassment
  41. Inferiority
  42. Ire
  43. Irritation
  44. Jealousies
  45. Fault
  46. Defeat
  47. Pain
  48. Disappointment


10 Factors that affect to the psychological welfare.

To way of summary are some of the most important factors of face to achieve a psychological state of optimum welfare:

  1. The welfare, the happiness and the positive affection are related with components of the personality like the extraversión and the affability.
  2. Could say  that the happiness explains  in 50% by genetic factors.
  3. The increase of the personal wealth does not associate  to increases in the happiness.
  4. The achievement of put, more than in the money, is what more associates  with the psychological welfare.
  5. The personal growth to put intrinsic is more associated that the progress related with put extrínsecas.
  6. To collective level and of society, exists a positive correlation between wealth and happiness. However, it is not of the all true since in the rich countries the economic level no correlation so positively with the happiness that in the poor countries. This is due to the fact that in the poor the money facilitates the access to primary needs that already have like usual in developed countries, by what loses his capacity of subjective relation with the happiness.
  7. Have intimate interpersonal relations correlaciona with a positive state of psychological welfare when being the social relations a basic human need, as long as these are of quality. It has showed  that have intimate relations improvement the levels of afrontación in front of the stress.
  8. The positive affection related with the achievement of put is lower when these are too easy or too difficult, that is to say his level of challenge is not appropriate to the situation.
  9. You put them of avoidance (want to achieve not smoking) associate  with lower welfare that the ones of approximation (want to finish my university studies).
  10. You put them personal related with the automotivación or the personal autonomy (self) relate  more directly with the happiness that those that no. For example, attain an aim of your own company is not the same that attain an available aim if you are commercial of another company.

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Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicopico.com. Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!