Education Groups Organizations

Phillips 66: a group dynamics technique that encourages participation

phillips 66 técnica dinamica grupo

The technician of dynamics of groups Phillips 66 was created by J. Donald Phillips, of the Michigan  State College . His name derives of the surname of the own author and of the fact that 6 people argue a subject along 6 minutes. It is effective in extensive teams, of enough more than 20 people.

Aims of the technical Phillips 66

The main aims of this technical are mainly three:

  1. Allow and boost the active collaboration of all the members of a group, by big that this was.
  2. Obtain the opinions of all the members in a quite brief period.
  3. Arrive to the taking of elections, obtain diverse points of view of all the people of the group on a problem or question.

Besides, this technician develops the one of synthesis and the concentration, help to surpass the inhibitions to have a conversation in front of others, stimulates the sense of the responsibility and dinamiza and distributes the activity of the big groups of people.

The main aim is to achieve that it participate  of democratic form in wide groups. Of the same form that has expressed it his author: “Instead of a discussion controlled by a minority that offers voluntary contributions while the time allows it, the discussion 6.6 provides time so that they participate all, caters the white for the discussion by means of a question specifies carefully ready, and allows a synthesis of the thought of each small group so that it was spread in profit ofall “.

How it does  Phillips 6.6

The Phillips 6.6 could be applied in quite distinct situations and with diverse purposes, being a flexible method. We go to explain his operation.


This technician needs of scarce preparation. It will suffice with that the one who apply it know the method and possess aptitudes to put it in practice. The subject or problem for arguing  could be foreseen, or arise inside the development of the meeting. It is not usual to gather to the people to do a “Phillips 66”, but the technician use  during a moment determined of the meeting, when it considers  more appropriate take part through this tool of dinamización of groups.

Development Phillips 66

The operation of this technician bases  in four fundamental steps:

  1. Once that the facilitador (person that directs the talk) convenient esteem the execution of a “Phillips 66”, formulates the question or subject of the case with the greater precision and possible concretion, and explains how the members have to conform subgroups of 6, for this can displace the seats or do turn to part of the group to the rear row if the seats are fixed.
  2. The facilitador informs to the participants on the form in that it has to work each subgroup and invites to conform the subgroups.
  3. When the subgroups have allocated a coordinator  and a secretary , the facilitador begins to explain the 6 minutes that has to last the task to make. A minute before it finish the term indicates  to the participants that have to finish the task.
  4. Finished the time of discussion of the subgroups the facilitador gathers to the group in session plenaria and requests to the secretaries the reading of his brief reports or summaries.

The facilitador or another person annotate a faithful synthesis of the reports read by the secretaries. Of such way that all the group understand the results that have obtained , extracts the conclusions on them and does  a final summary whose nature will depend of the subject, question or problem that have exposed .

Practical recommendations

When the group is not the quite numerous have the possibility to form  subgroups of 3 or 4 members. However  it is not correct to conform teams of enough more than 6 people, since the collaboration would see  affected. If the people are unknown between himself the relation goes to be favoured with a breveo previous presentation to begin the work of the subgroup.
The facilitador can increase the time of discussion if the subject is the sufficiently interesting for all the parts or to help in the editorial of the summary.

It is adapted that the question or subject in controversy was drafted in a blackboard or similar and remain in sight of all.

In the first vivencias will propose  simple subjects, formulated with clarity and accuracy. The facilitador would have to act with simplicity and naturalidad, stimulating the interest by the activity. It would not have to do neither an evaluation of the ideas or answers contributed by the subgroups; it is the group the one who would have to judge them.
In a phase of more experience exists the possibility to devote diverse subjects to each subgroup or to many of them. Inside the possible the question has to be of which demand answers of type “sumatorio”, no of comparison. Example: mention reasons, which consequences would have, how many components need , which properties has, etcetera.

Applications Phillips 6.6

The Phillips 6.6 can use so much in usual classes as in special events of groups. It is not of by himself a technician of learning, does not teach new knowledges neither gives information (except the occasional that appear in the interaction). It allows, however, the confrontation of ideas or points, the esclarecimiento and reciprocal enrichment, in addition to the activity and collaboration of all the members, stimulating especially to the shiest , indifferent or introvertidos.

In a group of discussion the Phillips 6.6 is effective to obtain immediately opinions developed by subgroups, partial agreements, decisions on methodologies of work, recommendations of activities, works of review and of comprobación initial of the information, like antecedent to try a new subject to work.

Besides it can  use this technician in to the classroom for indagar the general degree of information that have the students on a subject; to carry out and find applications to a subject learnt theoretically.

It is useful also to make it after any activity developed collectively (class, conference, talks, film, experiment, party, sport, etc.) so that it could be evaluated or appreciated in few minutes by means of this technician.


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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