Dreaming is one of the most fascinating experiences of our brain, a form of subjective expression that is very difficult to investigate, understand its...
Categoría - Curiosities
Philosophy and psychology have notable differences and similarities that are evident when the historical study of these disciplines is approached. Psychology...
In the world of psychological therapy, it is very common to hear the use of hypnosis as a tool widely used by psychologists or psychoanalysts, but it has...
Camping out at the end of your cycling expedition drags you away from all the comforts and luxuries that you may not have necessarily perceived as such prior...
The symmetry is used to associate with a pattern of beauty. The human beings, the majority of the vertebrates and other animals and plants possess this...
A child, sweets, assured tension … Wait, as the saying goes, sometimes despairs he says. We seem avocados to the need for immediate gratification to any...
El curioso y popular efecto Mandela se produce cuando creemos recordar situaciones, hechos o acontecimientos de forma errónea como si fueran reales, cuando a...
It sounds rare, but is true. Psychologists of the Universities of Cambridge, Yale and George Mason are trying to create a cerebral vaccine that you inmunice of...
They are varied the artists that from his different perspectives have tried to reflect of graphic form the meaning of the mental disorders, sometimes so...
Yesterday the program of Crazy television World (Movistar) of the humorist David Broncano issued a program of which like psychologist likes to see: the...