Cine Education

Psychological and educational values of The ​​Paw Patrol

<<< Back to… Neuromarketing in Paw Patrol.

One of the pillars and good work of this series is that it teaches children important values, largely provides good lessons in emotional, emotional and psychological education. Although I also put a hit.

Positive values of the ​​Paw Patrol.

1. Sense of leadership.

The human protagonist of the series, Ryder, acts as leader of the pack. It has all the characteristics of a good leader:

  1. Ability to communicate. Expresses ideas clearly and knows how to listen doubts puppies.
  2. It has a high emotional intelligence. Puppies and understands your needs.
  3. Set goals and objectives in each of the frames. There is always a new challenge.
  4. Planned. Before each challenge, gathers his team and teaches them the action plan step by step, graphically !.
  5. Know the strengths and his weaknesses and his team. Use the best ability of each puppy to the final goal.
  6. He is charismatic. They have created so that it falls well to the entire city.
  7. It is creative. You will always occur solutions based on resources.
  8. It’s responsible. He worries that everything goes well and everything that happens to the puppies.
  9. He is always informed. You know what happens in Adventure Bay and your phone is always available to citizens to help.


. Teaches children that things are solutions and how to fix them structured and organized.

3. Sense of equipment. Most of the problems have to be solved are among several of the components and one never, or rarely, manages to fix itself. Cooperation to power.

4. Civics. All the stories and characters always contain civic values ​​of respect and equality. Clearly, respect for animals is present in all chapters.

Small criticisms.

  1. The protagonists, except Skye, are male. This may seem a bit sexist and indeed in the second season they joined another female protagonist: Everest. The human leader, Ryder, is also a boy. It must be said that the mayor of the city is a woman but …
  2. Adults seem silly. I do not know, I think we should not exaggerate both the stupidity of adults so that they are always dogs solucionándoles life, right? The mayor is a pardilla, so clear.
  3. Dogs speak and think, correct me if not, other animals do not. It might seem that dogs are good and the other animals are “inferior”. In the post about Patrol Canine marketing we said that children who watch the show are still in an evolutionary preoperational stage where your imagination is responsible for structuring the things they see face to a subsequent logical thinking but … if talking dogs and other animals, it’s a little weird.
  4. Child labor ¿?. Yes, just a bit over the top but Ryder is 10 and already working and master the technology. Not only him but other players like Katie, who works with 10 years of veterinary clinic Adventure Bay.
  5. The Goodway mayor keeps a pet hen in her purse. Here it is questionable what that respect animals …

Luckily the children who they like the series are in their imaginative period and not all taken at face value, although in some cases it is not over explain if any transfers to reality.

Continuation of post >>> Color psychology and personality of dogs of the Paw Patrol.

You can also return to the original post: Neuromarketing in The Paw Patrol.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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  • Yo sí creo que la representación de las mujeres en la serie está en desigualdad totalmente. De hecho creo que en las series infantiles deberían tener representación ambos sexos desempeñando roles diferentes que no tengan que ser precisamente los “socialmente establecidos”.
    Efectivamente en la patrulla canina tenemos a la alcaldesa, pero es un personaje ridiculo, nadie querría ser ella.
    En este sentido hay una serie llamada Bubble Guppies que a mí me encanta. Aparecen personas de deferentes razas y por ejemplo hay capítulos en los que uno de los chicos se hace bailarín de ballet, y lo normalizan.

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