It is of all known that the consumption of drugs is highly related with a worse quality of life because of the multiple secondary effects associated, so much...
Tag - Health
The pregnancy is one of the periods in which the women see more affected by different disorders of the dream had to mainly to the big changes hormonales and...
The anxiety is an emotional and autonomous reaction of the our organism in front of the presentation of a stimulus that consider harmful. Therefore, it fulfils...
The boredom is the feeling of dissatisfaction in front of the fault of pleasant stimuli or interesting activities that does us feel that we are not making at...
They exist so many types of psychological welfare like people there is in the world. The psychological welfare or also called subjective, is a constructo...
All arrive to old, or at least that is the course of the life if at all or anybody prevents it. The old age is the last period of the vital cycle, moment in...
¿Por qué tengo hambre? El hambre es una de las principales motivaciones básicas de nuestra especie de cara a suministrar energía suficiente para sobrevivir al...
The disorder by video games will be considered a mental illness by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from the next edition of the International...
Suffer any type of illness merma to the organism so much to physical level like psychological. All the efforts of our body, and in first instance of the immune...
Atypical Is one of these series of television (issued by Netflix, in this case) that do you think on the operation of the human brain and as it influences of...