Jobs selection

How to be a good interviewer.

A good interviewer has to direct the interview with the aim to obtain precise information on the person interviewed and evaluate these data to know if it is the ideal candidate for the place of work offered. If you want to improve your dowries like interviewer in the selection of personnel have to take into account a serious of principles and factors and train them to achieve interviews more efficient and therefore reduce also the costs of selection of personnel.

Before following reading this article (or afterwards) recommend you read the 12 errors of the interviewer in the selection of personnel.

Basic principles to be a good interviewer.

In the interviews of work have to fulfil  always these basic principles:

  • Indivualización. All the candidates interviewed are different.
  • Objectivity. Avoid the prejudices and stereotypes during the session.
  • Self-determination. The people have right to take by himself same all type of decisions. It respects always the rights asertivos basic of the interviewed and the own.
  • Neutrality. You have to make the same type of interview for all the candidates.
  • Absolute respect to the interviewed. This think that is evident.
  • Professional secret. When we do an interview are collecting personal data that have to remain confidential, only will inform  to third of the conclusions without going in in details more personal. Besides, it has to him  inform to the interviewed of this fact to generate greater confidence.

How be a good interviewer.

Once we have clear the basic principles and the aims of the interview of work have to take into account a series of factors that will be determinants for the efficiency of the interview:

  1. Climate of confidence and motivation.

The behaviour of the interviewer will influence directly in the behaviour of the interviewed therefore is crucial to take care the details to generate a good environment (rapport).

  • Image and posture. The look and our corporal position are the best transmitters of emotions by what have to try that they flow through her keeping a good presence.
  • Language. To achieve greater confidence, owe to have a language that was common to the of the interviewed so that the communication was more fluent, avoiding too many tecnicismos and respecting the turns of word.
  • Tone of voice. Keep a pleasant and cordial tone, without elevating the voice too much.
  • Charm. We have to treat to keep some good modal and be kind with the interview. It thinks that the one who more taut and nervous in general will be the candidate that is the one who confronts  to the proof. To achieve a more truthful information have to try that this nervousness reduce  so that the answers are more coherent and no guided by the pressure of the moment. The interview can generate in the interviewed high levels of stress.
  • Empatizar And be asertivo. With the same aim of the previous point, has to act  without anxiety neither of aggressive form of sincere way and asertiva but without attacking to the interviewed. It remembers that empatizar does not have reason involve an excessive emotional approach, keep the distances.

If you take into account these factors, will achieve that the interviewed seats  more motivated training required and will be calmer with which will show of way more reliable his real competitions deleting the fears that can block them.

>> Article related: How motivate to the employees? 7 basic motivations.

  1. Reinforce.

Once that have achieved the sufficient motivation in the interviewed have to try keep this motivation activated so that it keep his behaviour proactiva, for this have to know reinforce it. To reinforce to the interviewed can use some technicians of reforzamiento basic like these:

  • Do brief pauses expectantes (surroundings to 5-10 seconds). This silence will incite to the interviewed to continue speaking because it knows that we will not interrupt it.
  • Assent. The person has to see that we are loaning him attention for this can nod moving it or say words of the estio ‘aham’ or ‘already’, ‘that interesting’, ‘umm’ or other onomatopoeias that serve to assent what are listening and cause that it go on speaking.
  • Reflect ideas. The interviewer can parafrasear during the conversation the ideas that goes listening of the interviewed, this will do him feel understood, reaffirming with the own words the explanation of the interviewed. For example: ‘as well it says, this company of which speaks me is a referent in the sector’.
  • Resume. At the end of the interview or when finishing some phase of the same try sintetizar of form resumida what has spoken  so that the interviewed know that it has understood him  all properly and giving him the opportunity to be able to make some explanation in case of not being like this.

>> Article related: The interview of critical incidents.

Entrada Relacionada
  1. Know listen and ask.

Hear is not to listen, have to loan attention of active form showing interest and keeping the visual contact elaborating expressions that denote understanding. Besides, we remember that the interview is a conversation between people with which does not have to  understand like a unilateral interrogation.

To ask have to know the types of question that have to do in each moment of way more convenient taking into account the moment and state of mind of the interviewed and trying avoid enclosed questions of dichotomous answers (himself or no). Better open questions that will give us greater information and will do reflexionar to the candidate.

Others of the questions that have to avoid  are those that his answer go implicit in the question or are guided to a determinate reply. It does not serve of at all ask something that already know the answer, the only that will attain will be to put more nervous to the another person.

When we are asking we have to to make some comment in this regard of the question or explanation so that the another person seats  a bit more comfortable by not understanding the question properly. In fact, when these questions are delicate the ideal is to use questions of the impersonal type so that the another person does not seat  directly court or attacked.

  1. Obtain the information that needs.

To attain the information that want to can uilizar three types of technicians: start, approach and poll.

  • Start. When initiating the interview and even before the another person was physically with us have to indagar on the field of the information that want to know, for example if the another person is able to resolve problems of effective way or in situations of stress. For this can look previously in his curriculum if really it has been able to be exposed to to this type of situations by his previous works. Already in the interview indagaremos on this by means of open and indirect questions.
  • Approach. When it interests us a determinate information can repeat questions expressing them of different form so that the another person follow ‘soltando’ data referred to our subject of interest.
  • Poll. It treats  to deepen in the same field making journalistic questions of the style: ‘why?, ‘when?’, ‘how?’, ‘who?’.
  1. Register and evaluation of the information.

Finally recalcar that the interviewer has to be able of sintetizar all the information collected of objective form to be able to analyse it in absence of prejudices or ideas preconcebidas. The interviewer has to handle this information of flexible way and no extreme. Besides, a good interviewer has to have critical capacity and know contrast the information that has received with the one of the rest of candidates to the place of work.

>> Article related: 12 errors of the interviewer in the selection of personnel.


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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