Cine Health

‘Suicide’: reflection of a hidden reality

suicidio película

The suicide is used to to be a subject tabú of the that seems not wanting to speak, but the reality is that it is the first cause of death no natural in Spain from 2009 and earns  the double of lives that the accidents of traffic. In 2015, 3602 people  suicidaron in Spain and each day try it 243 people according to the report of the clinical laboratory of 2013. They are ascending figures, reason more than sufficient to promote the plans of prevention of the suicide, practically non-existent.

The suicide is used to to be treated by the media of way excessively sensationalistic, as in the recent cases of the singer of Linkin Park Chester Bennington, or the banker Miguel Blesa. Besides, it is the central subject of the popular series of Netflix By 13 Reasons, which analyse already in another article. However, the prevention seems to be in a second flat. This is what tries to sensitise the film-documentary ‘Suicide’, created by the agency of press Palma de Mallorca Press,directed by Juan Andrés Mateos and under an original idea of Jaime Gabriel Rodrigo.

>> Article related: Analysis of the series ‘By 13 Reasons’.

If they do  campaigns of prevention of accidents of traffic why do not make  also of prevention of the suicide?

‘Suicide’: a film-documentary really sensibilizadora. 


 is a docuficción  that narrates the history of Javier, interpreted by Toni Pons, a person that has happened to have it everything to lose it and finds  in a situation limit in which it poses  the suicide like only alternative. The film interweaves the fictitious situation of Javier with the real exhibitions to way of documentary of big specialists on suicide and people that have lived in his own meats attempts of suicide without culminating. These people narrate the clinical reality of this problem and present to the viewer of way very concise and direct the triggers, causes and problems that carry to the people to lose the reason that gives felt to his lives and activate the cerebral circuit of self-destruction of the suicide.

The quality of the documentary reflects  in his nominations in diverse film festivals. ‘Suicide’ has been already awarded like Better Experimental Feature film in the International Festival of Cinema Of Cono South- Ficcsur (Valparaíso, Chile) and in the Five Continents International Film Festival and has been selected to compete in other diverse film festivals in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay or Bogota. Besides, in his version subtitulada is achieving a presence very notary in diverse festivals of all the world (United States, India, Romania, Russia, Italy, Nigeria…).

This is the trailer of little less than 3 minutes but recommend you his complete visualisation (1 hour) in the platform Filmin to which can access puncturing here.

According to one of the specialists interviewed in the documentary, the psychiatrist specialist in psiquiatría legal José Miguel Pueyo, live in a society in crisis of ends in which we accumulate half but do not know for what. Definitely, ‘Suicide’ himself is a half able to sensitise on this problem.

Another of the specialists interviewed, the psychiatrist Miguel Lázaro stands out the tendency to medicalizar the normal general unrest, when in what it is necessary to put emphasis is in the real disorders, like the depression. When a society generalises so much this type of symptoms what achieves  is that they seem less important of what are in reality for the people that yes suffer of problems of the state of spirit.

In Spain, exists a telephone for people that find  in situation limit, the called telephone of the hope: 902 50 0002 , that works the 24 hours of the day attending to people that need help, do not doubt in doing the same. There is exit.

It shares this article if you want to sensitise in front of the suicide. To those that more people arrive , better.

>> Relationated: Karoshi: cuando te mata (literalmente).


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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