In the stimulation of the human mind with ends of marketing no everything is valid, or no everything has the sufficient ethical morals as to apply it. It is the case of the subliminal advertising.
We can define the subliminal advertising like the phenomenon by which knows the no conscious processing of external stimuli with ends of commercial communication. This type of advertising is forbidden by the majority of the countries by his forms to act of way intrusiva and with little conscious knowledge of the individual that receives it. It is an advertising system that does not have a sustento scientific tested, but can be been due to two questions: the practical illegality that limits his utilisation and comprobación of results and the true hermetismo of the commercial marks about the studies in this regard of this advertising technician.
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In spite of this, these methods have studied in diverse laboratories of psychology all over the world to long of the last century, from those first pilot studies celebrated in United States to finals of the 19th century by Pierce and Jastrow on the subliminal perception. The problem to the hour to study the subliminal perception and his results is the way to know like the person processes this information when being in the no conscious level, by what goes back complex measure it.
In this sense, fits to signal two appearances with which any attempt of advertising application of the subliminal perception goes to result difficult:
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In spite of the difficulties, the subliminal advertising has been some frequently used resources by the sectors of the marketing and neuromarketing in his campaigns. They have gone adapting these technical limitations and the legal limitations to present messages of subliminal advertising to the edge of the legality. Of way, that practise it technical pre-subliminal that do not prevent that the stimulus was not conscious, that is to say, the objective person himself is conscious of the presence of this stimulus although it was mildly. The companies of marketing disguise and distort the stimuli so that they are not perceived of direct form, so that more than speaking of subliminal advertising speak of indirect advertising.
The causes by which a company poses the utilisation of subliminal advertising, or in his lower indirect extension, are:
The best to warn that this type of announcements intrusivos manipulate us is to be know of his existence, as always the education is the best weapon in front of any type of external stimulus.
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Hola Ivan!
Enhorabuena por el Blog, he llegado a esta página a través de otro medio y viendo que hablais de neuromarketing , me parece algo genial para relacionarlo con ecommerce.
Este post trata de publicidad, yo creo que si lees nuestro blog, puedes ver que tratamos bastante el posicionamiento orgánico
un saludo
¡Hola Ignacio! Gracias por las palabras. Sí, es un tema muy interesante, del que he realizado algunos estudios. Intento aplicarlo al posicionamiento orgánico de la web, aunque cada día es más complejo. Si estás interesados ponte en contacto conmigo para poder realizar alguna colaboración. Un saludo, Iván.