The feeling to rise of category is the most similar to a sportive orgasm. It did not have thought to write on this subject, but this week has produced one of...
Categoría - Sport
The companies, or any another type of organisation that involve direction of teams of work, as they can be the sportive teams, need a director of...
Doing sport has a number of undeniable physical and mental benefits. In addition, it is forming us use skills and competences throughout our lives. At the...
The Olympics are full of winners. All athletes who get play in any of its forms this competition are a born winners. Everybody. However, there is still a step...
An athlete trains to acquire, develop and consolidate their resources in order to optimize their performance in the competition using their skills useful and...
The functions of body movement are a major psychotherapeutic and pedagogical tool of utmost importance in daily life and in sports either at the grassroots...
What we consider as a key figure in motivation, is the coach or educator. In a survey of 270 practicing basketball in high school US, 47% admit that the coach...
In sports and education the figure of the coach or teacher he has great responsibility on the motivation of their athletes or students in carrying out the...
Entrenar. Es la base para la mejora de cualquier organización ya sea deportiva, empresarial u de otro tipo. Y no me estoy refiriendo solo a los jugadores u...
When we are learning a particular task, movement or exercise one of the most important factors to assimilate it correctly it is to have an effective feedback...