
The psychological condition of athletes: 12 resources

An athlete trains to acquire, develop and consolidate their resources in order to optimize their performance in the competition using their skills useful and effectively. The more you train will increase the chances of success in competitive activity. If you train performance improvements in training (assimilation of information, execution and habits) and performance in the competition (implementing effectively the resources according to the specific demand of the competition).

Many coaches base their practice on improving tactical, technical and physical condition and forget the psychological component. Sports psychology increase the performance of the other three conditions and help achieve the sporting goals. In this article we will focus on reviewing the psychological condition improved training of athletes. However, the sports psychologist may also intervene in any of the other three plots of sport.

Resources to improve the psychological condition of athletes.

Have a sports psychologist is not easy for all teams, but now there is a big swing in hiring. With this help or without it we should never forget to get the best psychological condition of athletes. The coach is crucial. If the group does not have a psychologist, it is desirable that at least the coach was advised by a professional psychologist.

The role of the psychologist would be to collaborate in the design of exercises that have a psychological objective (stress tolerance, improved self-confidence, perception, attention …) and detect and advise the coach if performing training exercises are hurting or helping the development of psychological condition. Use of resources and identify risks. Then let 12 examples of resources and its psychological effects on the athlete.

12 Resources and their effects on the psychological condition of athletes.

1.Ambient working and attractive content sessions.

  • Strengthens motivation for training.
  • It increases positive mood.

2. Ask exercises with goals and well-defined rules of operation and to emphasize the behavior of the athlete (not results).

  • Improved attentional control.
  • Improved control of decision making and execution.
  • Increased motivation for exercise.

3. Using the novelty requirement and degree of difficulty of the exercises gradually.

  • Improves assimilation of information.
  • Improves stress management.
  • Strengthens self-confidence.

4. Distribution of workloads and rest periods.

  • Improves assimilation of information.
  • Manage stress due to over training.
  • Prevents psychological exhaustion.

5. Organize specific exercises for improving care.

  • Improves attentional capacity and improvement of the existing one.

6. Design personal plans for each athlete.

  • Greater involvement.
  • Increased personal motivation for activity.
  • It provides solutions to individual problems.
  • Improves and strengthens self-confidence.

7. Raise sporting challenges (goals and sub-goals).

  • Strengthens self-confidence.
  • Increases motivation.
  • Greater personal satisfaction for the achievement of the challenges.
  • Positive mood.

8. Rehearse the competitive real game situation.

  • Accustomed to playing conditions.
  • Implement possible psychological condition.
  • Prevention of difficulties.
  • Greater perception of control and confidence.

9. Prepare the competition.

  • Improves stress management.
  • Strengthens self-confidence.
  • Increases motivation.


10. Evaluate the performance.

  • It provides information.
  • Making appropriate feedback.
  • Improves attentional control.
  • Greater perception of control and confidence.
  • Accustomed to the stressful situation that involves the assessment.

11. Appropriate behavior coach.

  • Improve care.
  • Improve assimilation.
  • Strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improved stress management and motivation.

12. Improvement sport


  • Increases personal satisfaction.
  • Strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Increases motivation.
  • Improves positive mood.

If you work with the resources you can affect the performance of athletes, although individual performance will always depend on the willingness of each athlete during training and personal psychological functioning. Aspects that must be analyzed in a coordinated manner by all technical staff.

If you’re a coach, I invite you to stop by the section of emotional intelligence to improve your communication and interpersonal skills.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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