
Clash Royale: analysis of a game engaging.

They remain 3 hours to be able to open another cofre of Clash Royale And take advantage of to write on this adictivo game that has finished for sticking me. It does time published an article on how stick the games of mobile desvelando some of the psychological principles that influenced in us to have us attentive to our favourite game.

In Clash Royale fulfil  all the points observed in other games. Definitely, a big strategy of marketing of Supercell, company creator of the game. In this sense, my simpler congratulations by his creation. However, that something remain us clear, the game is created to make money (and a lot), with which it is necessary to have care of not falling in the temptation of the uncontrolled shopping. If your son plays to Crash Royale put him limitations.

And it is that the game is installed in smartphones of boys, teenage and adults of all the world that expect with anxiety by new cofre, new letters and sands to play. If they have spoken you of him, care, is likely that play more than a game.

Psychological analysis of Clash Royale.

First of all  say that Clash Royale is a really fun game and that very used would dare me to say that it can boost a lot of competitions in processing of the information, cognitive performance and in the solution of problems. We could define it like a game of role to the style of the famous letters of Magic, but of simple way, in your mobile and against people of all the world. It is therefore a game of strategy in which the player possesses letters with different levels and powers to choose the best tactical of face to defeat to his opponent in a battle in real time.

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It treats  therefore of a luck of modern chess. Until here all correct, as long as it use  with moderation and control. We remember that the game could arrive you to trap in a loop of shopping for achieving the best letters and this is what could become a problem. Obviously, the creators of the game have done that this shopping (at all cheap, by the way) can make  of fast and simple way. The said, moderation and control.

We begin the analysis splitting of the principles of the article How stick the games of mobile?.

  1. The model of business: psychology of the consumption.

The business have based it basically in putting you the caramelito in front of the eyes and expect that you hammer the hook. To the equal that happens in the famous experiment of the cloud on the strength of will of Walter Mischel (1972),  in which it measured  the level of patience of the boys in front of the exhibition to some candies. Crash Royale Serves  like a free game (if you do not do extra shopping), of simple access and with a graphic appearance very appetizing. Besides, it acts the effect social validation, in shape of ball of snow: if they play the other has to be well and fun. We test.

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The games last 3 minutes, during which have to be attentive to the movements of your rival and to your strategy (without possibility of pausar), by what is thought to be able to to play an anytime free game that have. This is well. The problem would begin  to arise if the time that devote him to play remove it to him to other facets of the most important life: family, attend properly the tasks of the work, not shelving other activities by the game.

The model of business does not go them at all badly, in some side read that they have invoiceed until 2 million euros in an alone day. No me extrañaría at all that they were real figures.

  1. Stimuli.

The dynamics of the game consists in going winning split to be able to to open cofre that contain different letters and prizes to be able to improve our team. So that no it forget you  open any cofre, the own game will send you a notification (that you can desactivar) to warn you that have the possibility to achieve new letters. This warning (stimulus), will carry you to the application and no only will open the cofre but surely you play a game more and review the new letters. Obviously, those that more times go in in the game, by statistics, the probabilities that somebody make shopping multiply .

Besides, the achievement of cofre is thought to keep you attentive to open the application to see the new cofre along all day since. They exist cofre that open  each 3 hours (is a careful time to make a rest in the work), each 8 hours (are the hours that sleep), etc.

In case this was little, the game notifies constantly of the new letters to buy, new games to visualise, etc.

The game therefore is full of visual stimuli very taken care, even auditory stimuli very pleasant. If you are in bar and somebody opens the application with sound, surely turn you to this person and recognise the music of startof  Clash Royale. In fact, at the beginning of social validation joins him  the principle of charm, of the social influence.

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  1. Conditioning to the player: programs of reforzamiento (and punishment).

One of the best ways to keep to a customer is the loyalty. When in a bar want that you go back are used to to invite you to a round. As in this game, each true time give you cofre of letters and coins to improve them. To attain the condicionamiento of the person the game uses what in psychology calls  program of reforzamiento of variable reason, as in the machines tragaperras. Like this, each true time will achieve better letters inside your cofre and clear is, that if you open a cofre with bad letters will be wishing open more to achieve the prize of a better letter. This uncertainty will keep us slopes to open new cofre.

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Besides, to keep you stuck use another of the programs of condicionamiento more effective, the reforzamiento of fixed interval. This is the one who explained in the previous point, know that each true time go to have a positive reinforcement in shape of cofre, so you go in and go back to play.

In case it was little, the game allows you achieve a positive reinforcement (cofre) if you achieve to win several battles (conquer towers). If you achieve 10 towers, will be able to open another cofre more than will give happened to have to to expect to be able to achieve the following (fixed interval again). Casualidad That they are 10 towers those that have to achieve? Obviously no. During the game only can achieve 3 maximum towers, with which  to achieve your positive reinforcement, as minimum have to have to play 4 games, although the feeling that will give you is that you need less. In fact, although you win 12 towers in 4 games, only will reinforce you with the cofre as if you won 10.

The reinforcements use  to increase behaviours, therefore even you can play although you can not achieve cofre to achieve go up of stages and achieve coins to improve letters,  although of form slower, is a form to keep the condicionamiento latent and do not extinguish  easily. Sï, the psychology goes back to the attack! What less want to is that it extinguish  the  condicionamiento of the game.

Also they throw of psychology to apply negative punishments. Yes, because every time that lose a battle will remove you “crowns” and this fucks. It fucks a lot. How I avoid to lose games and not receiving this punishment aversivo? As buying cofre to achieve better letters or playing much more! Here it is where look for the business and where have to have care to play of responsible form.

4. Competitiveness.


. To all likes us win. And for this need to play, learn, improve, (buy), test our letters, etc. The game presents us several forms to do us feel reconfortados. On the one hand, go up the level of experience improving the letters, on the other hand, to measure that achieve trophies can access to new stages of game (sands) that allow us discover new letters. And all, all, want to play in improves it possible sand. It is like a footballer that begins to play in fields of earth but his dream is to play in the Camp Nou. For this, Clash Royale, allows to form teams (clans) and improve by means of games of training. Yes, like the footballers.

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One of the most striking things of the game is that, in theory, play in real time against another person. This is used to to be much more motivante that if you play your solo, since the reinforcement goes back  more contingent and contiguous. In fact, the game allows to send him some notification to the opponent that can serve of reinforcement or punishment. You want to or no, be competitive and win in direct and to another physical person is much more motivante. The evolution is competition, as long as it was using ethical means, clear.

Besides, the feel us able to win to an opponent and improve improve our autoeficacia perceived, reinforced by the number of crowns, battles, coins and letters achieved.

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5. Social network.

The game allows interactuar with people of the all the world and belong to groups (clans), which incentiva the feeling of belonging, that also acts like motivational system to keep  to the level of the rest of team. Can visualise  games of other people, make tournaments and even play against your friends. Besides, the fact to be able to be seen your parties by other people and can debate on strategies and letters of game is an inducement more to the entertainment that does a bit more real the virtualidad of the game.

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6. The dopamine has the fault.

The neurotransmitter dopamine is the attendant to activate the system of reward of the brain. The brain floods  of dopamine when something likes us and reinforces us to go back to achieve this pleasant stimulus. The problem is that to achieve this pleasure every time need a greater stimulus. In some way, is the same process that follows any another type of addiction, with which repeat: moderation and responsibility.

From my point of view, is an interesting game, entertained and very thought  but as we said with big number of conditionings that look for the economic success of his company, as all, with which procures not falling in the costs desorbitados or that the addiction to the game prevent you in your daily works.

How avoid unwanted shopping inside Clash Royale.

If you do not want to carry you a surprise in the bill and avoid that your son or daughter do shopping inside the game follows these councils:

  1. It visits the guide for parents that the own company puts to your disposal. In the own application can access to her giving him to the general configuration (right upper wheel) >> guide of parents. Also you can access in this link (in English).
  2. It restricts the access to shopping in the configuration of your telephone.
    1. iOS (iPhone, iPad): you Adjust > General > Restrictions > Activate restrictions > Choose code of restriction. Once done this will be able to see what is allowed to buy inside your smartphone. Desactiva The shopping for Clash Royale and smart.
    2. Android: it Opens Google Play > Store Icon Menu > Adjust > to Ask authentication to make shopping > Selects the option > Follows instructions.

Surely they exist other a lot of appearances of Clash Royale that have achieved that it was a so popular game, which would like me could share in the comments.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicopico.com. Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

Ver comentarios

    • ¡Hola Astrid! Gracias por el comentario.
      ¡Cierto! La frustración es otro tema importante dentro del juego. Sin embargo, creo que de cierto modo, cada vez que perdemos una batalla estamos incentivando sutilmente nuestra capacidad de resiliencia. Es decir, la habilidad para sobreponerse a una dificultad y volver a intentarlo. Visto de otro modo, el perder nos toca nuestro orgullo e intentamos mejorar para conseguir una victoria. Cuando tras varias partidas contra rivales mejores perdemos y no avanzamos aparace, como bien dices, el sentimiento de frustración por no lograr ganar. ¡Buen aporte!
      Un saludo.

    • ¡Hola Cristobal! Sí, el juego parece que exprime nuestra dopamina a niveles de vicio. Creo que está muy logrado, pero ojo, moderación y control. Saludos.

    • Los juegos, como cualquier otro medio de ocio y entretenimiento, tienen su función pero el problema surge cuando como dices limita nuestras conductas cotidianas y responsabilidades.

  • Este juego es muy tramposo. Te aseguras que va todo bien y pones el mejor mazo para ganar y de repente estas perdiendo. Truco o trampa?. Esto es parte del juego (para perder) o que pasa?. Sois unos tramposos.

  • Muy buen artículo Ivan y muy necesario la verdad.

    Soy adicto a este juego y me he gastado unos 180-200 euros en él. Sin contar los 200 en reparar 2 veces la pantalla de una tablet por romperla, aún suerte que con la funda ha idoaguantando diversos golpes y puñetazos.

    Este juego pide estar cada 2 x 3 encima si quieres avanzar a nivel mas competitivo, lo que puede llegar a ser complicado en personas con problemas de autoestima o sociales...

    Vivido por experiencia propia...
    La adiccion a los juegos genera ansiedad, mal humor, frustración... Y no siempre es facil controlar los propios impulsos.

    Saludos y cuidaros.

    • Hola Manuel.

      Muchas gracias por aportar tu experiencia personal. Sin duda será de gran ayuda para otra gente que se sienta identificada con tu caso.

      Un saludo,
      Iván Pico

  • Este juego acabo con el hogar mio mi esposo está adicto a este juego y no solo eso no quiere reconocerlo.... Siempre se altera incluso no le importa nada cuando está jugando