The talent is the capacity to understand and exert an activity of form stood out on the rest of people that also practise it, turning into a referent for those...
Tag - Liderazgo
In the decade of the years 20 of the past century, when the behaviourism was the predominant current in psychology according to which the behaviour depended...
The transformational leadership bases in the good communication of the leader with his employees projecting them to processes of change organizacional...
The feeling to rise of category is the most similar to a sportive orgasm. It did not have thought to write on this subject, but this week has produced one of...
The companies, or any another type of organisation that involve direction of teams of work, as they can be the sportive teams, need a director of...
Companies do not operate alone, hence the importance of sharing power with other members of the organization, empowerment. The ability of a good leader to know...
Have successful in choosing colors and races for puppies of the PawPatrol? Yes, and not to have successful, I’m sure that decisions have been studied. As...