Usually it is erring in speaking of “making a dynamic group” as the group dynamics are always given in groups, whether they apply or not a...
Categoría - Organizations
A job interview looking to obtain accurate information of our candidates for further evaluation so the interviewer is a key figure in the process of face to...
I have a problem, what do I do? Use emotional intelligence, which is the ability to recognize own and others’ feelings and use that understanding to know...
When I ask about the outputs of the psychology people often pigeonholed too much with the health problems or clinical. The truth is that there are many exits...
The terminology group therapy was coined by the romanian doctor-psychiatrist Jacob Levi Moreno who in 1911 created the technique of psychodrama. This form of...
Entrenar. Es la base para la mejora de cualquier organización ya sea deportiva, empresarial u de otro tipo. Y no me estoy refiriendo solo a los jugadores u...
As we discussed in a previous article critical incident interview it is one of the tools used for the selection of personnel in the organization based on the...
Companies are constantly changing so it is not only important to be prepared to do some work but have the potential to develop other future tasks, to adapt to...
In team sports, as in other organizational areas where composition and interaction of a number of people required for a common cause, is usually heard many...