Categorías: Sport

Adherence to training (I): Keys to evaluate it.

One of the positive values ​​of sport is to instill discipline in the tasks and activities to be performed, this is part of sports culture to be transmitted by coaches to athletes. In these tasks, adherence to training a cornerstone shown to achieve the objectives of training and training at both basic and performance sports.

Defining training adherence

Is the degree to which athletes in all tasks involving a workout. It includes sections such as:

  • Training attendance and punctuality.
  • Tasks of the work plan.
  • Contribution of physical and mental effort to pay as much as possible.

[Mks_pullquote align = “left” width = “250” size = “16” bg_color = “# 8224e3” txt_color = “# ffffff”] Attending a training does not mean being attached to it. [/ Mks_pullquote]

That is, mere attendance at training does not mean being attached to it. To this must be measurable both quantitatively (tasks or proposed exercise) and qualitatively (level of effort).

The reasons why we do physical activity can be manifold: medical advice, socialize, improve physical appearance, personal challenges, professional challenges as passing a competition, by mere bets (yes, there are people doing marathons because it loses bets).

Entrada Relacionada

What is much better to go to train or go and do some hard?

As you can imagine, none of the two is good. From my point of view, to choose one of the two alternatives I would stick to go less but do it with effort and intensity. I trash it, because it is useless to go to train once a month you throw a lot of interest, improvement will occur very slowly and go to the detriment of their own group in at least collective sports.
This inappropriate adhesion, either upwards or downwards, can occur not only at the time of physical training itself but the lack of discipline in other related tasks such as meetings, appointments with physiotherapists, concentrations, drug treatments, invisible training or psychological training.
Speak excess adhesive that is not healthy and attending sobresforzarse above possibilities or objectives of each (loss of self-esteem not to achieve goals despite the effort, susceptibility to injuries, psychological and physical inadequate wear …).

How do I know if an athlete loses adherence?

The evaluation of adhesion, or rather the lack of adhesion is evaluated taking into account these behavioral assumptions:

  • Circumstances specific history of nonadherence. Obviously if in training or previous teams and did not meet we must take into account as “low adhesion history”. Example: Player in his previous club playing every game because of his talent, which did not strive to be superior to their peers.
  • Rewarding consequences (extrinsic or intrinsic). Sometimes the failure to attend a training because other external booster is more motivating or rewarding. This specific weight is on the scale of the athlete, if it is greater than the prejudices of not attending training will substitute it. Example: Player’s mind: “I’m tired to train, maybe I stay resting and recovery best coach I will also convene the game on Saturday.”
  • Unrewarding consequences (aversive). Otherwise the previous point. If we make motivating workouts, or are repetitive or player is far superior to the rest and did not score higher challenge, it is likely that despite their adherence, find it aversive, as it is not below their expectations. This we may condition and start skipping workouts to use the time for other tasks. Example: A superstar who signed for less than their standard equipment. For example, if Messi signed for Real Madrid (Real Madrid goodbye to those readers, it has been a pleasure …;))
  • Vicarious learning. Players, although many coaches do not believe … have eyes! Watch what happens around them and mimic acts of fellow low grip and compared with them. Example: Imagine if Cristiano Ronaldo does not try … What will Odegaard? (But what just  do…).
  • Psychological variables. The basic motivation for the activity, or personal beliefs. Example:
    The typical player who gets into a team that also play their classmates but really he does not like sports.
    The belief that no matter how much you train coach catching end “plugged in” team.

Creating a good sporting group will help you get more grip, you might like to this article: Do you train a group or a team? 10 differences

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!