By 13 reasons (13 Reasons Why), like this calls the series of the moment in Netflix and of which all the world speaks and with reason. Why has so much success...
Categoría - Emotional Intelligence
You imagine you not being able to describe your emotions? This is what him sucede to the people with alexithymia. This term, entered for the first time by the...
The term anxiety is wrongly associated to a problem of health when it is not of the all true. The anxiety is not of by himself a problem, neither a mental...
We bring to the front one of the first articles of the web given the certain controversy raised on the handshakes of the current President of the United...
Emotions involve a lot of mental and organic activity, so they are comparable to energy sources that translate into impulses to indicate what is happening...
Internet trolls and haters will not like this news: Twitter has announced that it will hide the offensive and poor quality tweets within its security and...
The fear of failure is an important part of the fear of the unknown (Dyer, 1976). Before giving way to examples of fear of the unknown we will explain one of...
The concepts stereotype and prejudice are often confused with assiduity. However, from social psychology are concepts with different nuances. Generally, both...
Volvemos a relacionar la música con la psicología. Esta vez con un recopilatorio con 25 canciones sobre la felicidad. Diferentes estilos musicales y autores...
One of the most creative techniques for group decision making is the “six thinking hats“. When we have to make a decision, our mind contemplates...