We live in a society accelerated in which it seems that the one who does not live estresado is the fracasado. Walk always to tope of work and of tasks for doing has turned into synonymous fictitious of success. However, it is convenient to know strategies to face the high levels of stress, since when rebasamos the optimum levels of resistance to the stress can arise problems that break the balance of our lives.
The stress is a psychological process that creates in front of a demanding situation of the organism in front of which do not have sufficient information or suitable answers to resolve it by what activate psychophysiologic mechanisms that allow us collect more information and process it of form faster to resolve the demand demanded of suitable form.
The stress is an adaptative process that involves emotional and motivational activities that allows us resolve problems. It is therefore beneficial for our daily lives, but has a limit that if it exceeds can have negative repercussions on the health.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines it like a group of physiological reactions that prepares to the organism for the action.
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The anxiety requires of the resources of the stress for his afrontamiento by what in occasions are difficult to differentiate, especially in extreme situations of activation. The main difference between stress and anxiety is emotional. The stress can have a tone hedónico positive or negative in function of the emotion that need to solve the demand. However, the anxiety the affection showed always is negative. Besides, the stress is a phenomenon proactivo and versatile whereas the one of anxiety is an emotional situation carente of alternatives of answer.
Symbolically, can compare it with the physical stress that an elastic rubber bears when we throw of her, although it is able to go back to his natural state of balance if we subject it to a lot of stress can break.
The afrontamiento or coping in front of the stress does reference to the cognitive effort and conductual and of character cambiante that makes to handle the external specific demands or interns that are evaluated of form desbordante for the person.
They are diverse the strategies of afrontamiento in front of the stress, collect here the 18 more important strategies according to the science recopiladas by Fernández-Abascal (2003):
As it can observe no all the answers of afrontamiento, although they succeed to relieve the stress can have negative effects, as if of secondary effects treated by what the own afrontamiento if it is not in positive can go back pathological. If a strategy works will keep in repeated occasions by what choose the healthiest and the one who contribute us elder resiliencia will be key to fall in resolutions of problems vanales and little constructive for our personal development.
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In general, the people with a healthy predisposition in front of situations estresantes confer some characteristics of resistant personality to the stress that generally base in possessing personal beliefs in which they predominate the feeling of command (locus of internal control) and the confidence in the resolution of the problem (autoeficacia). To these two shots join them shots of the personality like the optimism or a good sense of coherence. Taking into account these shots could say that the people with high resistance to the stress share these four main characteristics:
Fernández-Abascal, And.G., Jiménez, M.P., Martín M.D. (2003). Emotion and Motivation: The human adaptation. Madrid: Ed. Centre of Studies Ramón Areces.
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