Despite what you tend to think, language is not only a uniquely human ability, at least in part. Knowing how animals communicate gives us valuable information...
Psychology Blog
Primates that “speak” Continuing the article Can we talk to animals? we will now give some examples of chimpanzees and gorillas have managed to...
Defining complex The term comes from the Latin complexus complex, which describes that which is composed of several elements. One of its biggest and known uses...
Nicotine modifies brain function, specifically acts on nicotine cholinergic receptors that are part of the reward circuitry, releasing dopamine, the...
The functions of body movement are a major psychotherapeutic and pedagogical tool of utmost importance in daily life and in sports either at the grassroots...
What we consider as a key figure in motivation, is the coach or educator. In a survey of 270 practicing basketball in high school US, 47% admit that the coach...
The token economy programs are based on the principles of operant conditioning (reinforcement, punishment, extinction and control stimuli) introduced by his...
When I ask about the outputs of the psychology people often pigeonholed too much with the health problems or clinical. The truth is that there are many exits...
►♫ The music, the songs are a means of channeling feelings, emotions and feelings that may not otherwise be achieved express. Many are singers and bands who...
The terminology group therapy was coined by the romanian doctor-psychiatrist Jacob Levi Moreno who in 1911 created the technique of psychodrama. This form of...