
Benefits of female masturbation and how to better enjoy it

Less bad that the masturbation is leaving to be a subject tabú, as if feel pleasure was something bad. It is something natural and healthy that even and an act that share with other animal species. In spite of this and to be in full 21st century the masturbation keeps on being a thematic of difficult conversation and reserved to the privacy. If it fits more still when it speaks  of feminine masturbation.

Fortunately, They are breaking  these cultural barriers so that the woman seats  freer to enjoy of the pleasure of autonomous form and without prejudices of any type. They are many the possibilities of autoestimulación sexual feminine, from the traditional form with fingers and hands until the use of all type of devices like vibrators, succionadores of clítoris or give pleasure with a dildo or consolador. They exist so many possibilities like personal tastes for the autoexcitación feminine.

11 Profits of the feminine masturbation

The sexual impulse is freed through the masturbation and is one of the best forms to his time to learn to control it. In fact, it uses  in a lot of occasions in sexual therapy. Besides, they are multiple the profits that this practice comports, so much for the physical health like mental, and all they corroborated by the science. These are some of them:

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  1. It frees of natural form neurotransmisores cerebral such as endorfina, oxytocin or serotonin. All they linked to states of welfare and emotional balance. Also you free dopamine, fruit of the pleasure that produces. Especially, when it arrives  to the orgasm. Eye, do it with moderation not to fall in a practical onanista obsessive, obviously.
  2. It works the muscles involved pelvic. Besides, this work goes to favour the preparation for the childbirth since when strengthening the pelvis produce  contractions more effective. Also for the sex in couple will be beneficial.
  3. It improves a state of relaxation derived of the segregation of the endorfina after the physical exercise made. This also goes to favour the conciliation of the dream. It works like a natural analgesic.
  4. It inhibits the anxiety. Derived of the previous point, when it practises  the masturbation without any type of fear neither fault, works like an activity that reduces largely the states of anxiety. Besides. It serves for desconectar of other problems and devote a time to a same.
  5. Improve the problems of anorgasmia and fault of sexual wish. As we said it is a technician that uses  in sexual therapy.
  6. Better the autoconfianza in relation to the sex. When one knows  like this same better knows also how want to that they want it. It is easier to leave want to when it wants  to a same.
  7. It improves the immunological answer. They are varied the scientific studies that endorse that the masturbation has profits on our defences in front of illnesses.
  8. It improves the genital hygiene. It favours his autolimpieza like our own personal care. What more attention loan him healthier are. Besides, in the women helps to open the uterine neck and free mucuses and cervical fluids. In the men, reduces the infections of the urinary tract and the risk to suffer cancer of prostate.
  9. It mitigates the pain menstrual. Like natural analgesic that already comment. It remembers that you also can practise the masturbation during the rule.
  10. It reduces the risk to contract illnesses of sexual transmission. They are many the animals (terrestrial squirrels, dolphins…) that practise the onanismo after the copula to warn these infections, in our case more than the same. Has felt.
  11. Besides, the people that  masturban more are used to to be more intelligent and with greater training, according to some studies. Eye, this does not want to say that by masturbarte go you to give a máster university.

How enjoy of the feminine masturbation (more still)

Firstly, has to clear  that the orgasm does not have to be the only end of the masturbation. Can have  a satisfactory masturbation without orgasm, although it is very known that experience the orgasm will be a plus of endorfinas in the brain that to all the world likes him experience.

The masturbation is a very personal and intimate act by what each person will know better how enjoy it better. In the sex there is not at all definitively strict and exist minds very creative that look for the excitation by diverse means. Here we go only to project some ideas to improve the experience of the feminine masturbation.

  • State of spirit. The personal moment, the place and the context will be very important to attain a state of optimum satisfaction for your next solitary session. It turns off the lights, lights sails or put you music. What to you more like you, but something special. This will help to that it was not something monotone and the experience will multiply .
  • Lubrication. This goes in function of each person, but thinks that during the sex shared the lubrication is double and the system works better that in solitary. If you do not have a good autolubricación perhaps do not do you lacking, but use some product lubricante can help to that all flow better and avoid injuries by unnecessary friction, especially for the long sessions. Sometimes, in the shower, this no longer does lacking to do it.
  • Put the mind to work. Divaga And thinks in your sexual fantasies and give him time to transform the history in your mind to your taste. Give him a bit of time to form this experience. It modifies your thoughts every time that you masturbes to create new histories or repeats those that worked. You can close the eyes to submerge you better in these wishes and put you to work. Another good formula is to use some type of novel erótica or videos to stimulate the mind and give new ideas.
  • Take you your time. Sometimes it does not have  time and goes out  of the step as it can . As in the real life. But you do not have haste for doing it when you can and devote him time or even schedule it previously. This anticipation of the moment will be able to you help to live it afterwards of way more intense.
  • It explores the zones erógenas. No only the zone vagina and the clítoris, but also the nipples, the ears, the perineo, the thighs or all that that motivate you.
  • It uses sexual toys. They exist infinity of formulas like consoladores, vibrators, succionadores of clítoris or other toys like which offer in Platano Melon. Besides, of them you can use the mango of the shower and his hot streams or even the own pillow.
  • It uses the technology. You can do use of the telephone, message of text or even videollamada so that so much you like your sexual couple enjoy from the distance that that afterwards will be able to (or no) carry to the real practice. And more in time of confinements and social distance.

From here the technicians and forms of masturbarse are practically infinite, many of them creative. The important is to enjoy and free sexual tension that always comes well.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!