
Sexual motivation: stimuli that incite to sex

The sexual behaviour is part of the called primary motivations whose main function is the reproduction, although the sex also fulfils functions like mitigador of the anxiety, the reaffirmation of the identity of gender. The human evolution has endowed it of an extremely pleasant contingency to ensure  the survival of the species.

However, the pleasure that supposes the sexual practice together with the cultural and social components that the sex has had along the history, has separated it slightly of his exclusively reproductive function.  Enjoy of the sex comports a big positive experience and our system of cerebral reward  active exponencialmente flooding of dopamine by what every time will want to more and better sex to satisfy our need of reward through the sexual pleasure.

The need.  That is the key of all motivational process. The brain has commissioned  to create the sexual need and our culture and evolution like species has improved it. When it creates  a need and deprives us  of her generates  a current of impulses to be able to satisfy it, the sexual impulses in this case, that will carry us to try make the behaviour motivated and reduce our state of need. To this consequence obtained calls him  incentive, second more important factor in the motivation. The pleasure of the sex is sufficient incentive to reactivate the motivational cycle.

Stimuli that incite to the sex.

What attracts us to have sex? The stimuli. As in all behaviour move us by stimuli, conditioned or incondicionados, with which know differentiate and improve those that they incite to the sexual behaviour will be the greater guarantee of success in the sex.

>> Article related: Sex and religion: the atheists enjoy more than the sex.

To continuation expose some of the factors or stimuli that more influence in the sexual attraction.

Visual and auditory stimuli.

The greater part of the information goes in us by the eyes, this is like this. With which has to like us what see. The cánon of physical beauty has gone evolving and varying along the times, by what to a large extent has been conditioned culturally. However, it follows existing some physical pattern implemented in our brain that serves of guide to choose to the best sexual couple. This pattern does not have to be equal for all, since it will be formed by the interaction genes-environment of each person. To the equal that do not eat you something that see that it can be bad, your sexual motivation by something that does not like will be of rejection.

Inside the visual stimuli can include the behaviour gestual and motora of the another person. The form to move , to look, of sonreir, the tone of the voice, etc. In definite the corporal language can give big tracks of unaware way on the personality. Obviously, if we see that a person interacts with us of affective way, is more likely that have some interest. This yes, with caution not to confuse the contextual stimuli with the sexual, because each person can be motivated of different form.

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Another visual stimulus to take into account, is the own image and personal care. The form to dress  or comb work like stimuli discriminativos of our sexual preferences.

In general, the sexual answer is used to to be greater in front of visual stimuli in the men whereas in the women these differences reduce  with regard to the auditory, like the words.

Olfactory stimuli: pheromones.

Surely you have spoken of the pheromones. The pheromones are the chemicals segregadas of natural form through the sweat, the urine or the saliva and that they are able to send signals to another brain receptor to way of system of communication,  between other functions finds  also the one to serve of system of sexual attraction.  Behind the ears, in the breast or the armpits are some of the places in which it concentrates  more quantity of pheromones.

The person receptor receives this information through the organ vomeronasal that communicates  with the hypothalamus, which will order to modify the state of spirit, the heart rate or the temperature in search of an emotional change in accordance with his degree of reciprocity. That is to say, your pheromones have to be receptivas with sexual content by the another person so that they work properly.

The perfumes and colonies serve also of stimulus discriminativo since his pleasant smell are indicator of a good personal care, by what if you achieve to find the perfume with pheromones more compatible with your objective couple, will add a lot of points of face to the sexual conquest.  The synthetic pheromones work of the same form that the natural, by what serve to improve this sexual media.

Besides, one some predisposition is to a large extent necessary so that the pheromones serve of sexual impulse, by what if you already have couple can be a good method for reavivar the sex. Take into account that each human sexual pheromone is specific for each sex, with which also are it for the sexual orientations.

Psychological appeal.

They are many the psychological determinants that influence in the sexual motivation:

  • Cognitive factors (processes atencionales, sexual semantic memory, aptitudes, intellectual coefficient, etc.) that vary between men and women.
  • The learning and social interaction, where has fit appearances like the social status or the forms learnt to carry out a sexual interaction.
  • Personality and emotional state. The people extrovertidas have greater ease for the social interaction by what increase his sexual possibilities. A degree of neuroticismo under also favours a sexual behaviour more adapted. The states of spirit perceived also influence: the fear, the anxiety, the ire or the depression could deteriorate the sexual behaviour.

And to tí what is what more motivates you to practise sex?

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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  • Felicitaciones Iván! Muy buen artículo!

    En Cepsim estamos haciendo varias investigaciones respecto al tema y este artículo lo vamos a usar como caso de estudio para el proyecto final.

    Te lo haremos saber al final por si quieres consultar los resultados y sacar nuestro punto de vista y más información.

    Gracias y un saludo desde Madrid!

    • Hola Ismael.
      Cierto, normalmente pongo fuentes o referencias en las que me apoyo para la redacción pero en este caso no lo consideré.
      No obstante, siguiendo tu consejo acabo de actualizar el artículo con dos libros que utilicé en su momento para redactarlo. Espero sean de ayuda. Si necesitas más detalles no dudes en consultarlo conmigo.

      Un saludo,
      Iván Pico