
Follows these tips and fight the bad corporal posture in the office

The bad posture no only represents an aesthetic problem, but besides it can generate a chronic pain in the lumbar zone. The body is designed to move  and the position of sedestación is not natural of the human being. However, because of our labour life, see us in the obligation to be seated at least six hours to the day. This affects the concave natural curvature of the column and shortens the muscular groups of this zone like the isquiotibiales or the psoas.

Tips To combat the bad posture in the office

1. It makes active pauses

The active pause consists in making a short routine of simple exercises in the place of work. This hard routine in average 10 minutes and does not require  of a big physicist to make it. They are basic and functional exercises that exercise muscular groups and propician articular mobility by means of estiramientos and exercises of relaxation.
The breath fulfils a fundamental role in the development of the active pauses. Thus, it has to be the deepest, slow and rhythmical possible. The aim is to be conscious of each movement of our muscles and articulations. This routine does not cause muscular pain.

Some of the exercises that can make are: circular movements of hip, exercises of estiramiento elevating the shoulders until the 90°, turn the head sideways to side and bend it to backwards, shrink shoulders to the ears by 10 seconds, move in circle the ankles of both feet, among others.


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2. It creates an ergonomic office

The ergonomics in the office has like aim adapt tasks, tools and places of work to the capacities and the comfort of the oficinista. For this, studies the proportions and the measures of the human body to create spaces truly ergonomic that facilitate the productivity of the worker and take care his health. To improve this appearance in your office begins by the basic: the chair and the computer.

According to the guide of shopping of, the chairs giratorias regulables avoid the musculoskeletal injuries, like the pain of shoulders, of back, of hands and dolls, and the cervical problems. His design facilitates the movements, benefits the productivity and the work in team. Besides, the function regulable allows to adjust the height according to the size of the oficinista, avoiding annoyances in the legs like hormigueos and numbness.

On the other hand, ensure you that the upper edge of the screen of your computer was above the level of your eyes. The visual distance between your sight and the screen has to be more than 40 centimetres. Likewise, you have to seat you in direct direction to the screen and the keyboard.

3. It uses shod with a small heel

The footwear repercute directly in the welfare of your back. It exists the false myth that the flat shoes benefit the lumbar health, this is not true. To protect your posture have to use soles with a small heel from among two to five centimetres is sufficient. Of this form, this height will keep the column heaved and settled.

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