
Moving in With Your Boyfriend? Couple’s Ultimate Packing Lists

boyfriend package

Living with your significant other is a crucial milestone in your relationship. You’ve lived in sharing a house for years, either with roommates or on your own. Moving in with your significant partner involves many transitions, such as sharing your bedroom and sometimes even putting their needs before yours. This change requires mental stability to commit and be willing to make changes to live peacefully with your partner. Here are some things you should check before moving in with your boyfriend:

Check out all your belongings


So much of relocating is about the things we own. Before the move, go through your belongings in both places and figure out what you have. You’ll most likely discover items that double between your two residences – two spatulas, two coffee tables – or things you no longer desire. Then there are oversized items such as wardrobes, sofas, which may not fit in the new house.

Suppose you’re tempted to throw this off until after the move or skip it entirely, don’t. That might be the most expensive mistake you ever make. Why? Because everything you keep increases the expense of the relocation, whether in cash or the time it will take to transfer everything and the physical strain on your body (more on that later). Furthermore, those goods will have to fit into the new location. Consider what it will be like when all boxes are filled. Will there be enough space to store them till you can sort through them? Will retaining everything push you to rent a larger apartment than you can afford? There are ways how you can sell your items for a reasonable price. To help help you with the marketing part, estimating reasonable prices to the things you want to sell, and finding the best buyers, you can use the help of estate sales in Austin, Dallas, or wherever it is convenient for you to have a smooth process.


What place do you want to move to? Yours, theirs, or a new one?


The next question is whether you will move into their place, stay in yours, or look for a new home together. This may be an easy option if you both live in studio apartments and genuinely need a two-bedroom. If you already live in a two-bedroom, you must evaluate other variables such as commutes to work, pet arrangements, area attractions such as parks, restaurants, shopping, and safety. Discuss your must-haves. If something from your locations cuts, begin brainstorming a short list of potential places to start your hunt.

Moreover, moving out can sometimes be bothersome, especially when you do not own a vehicle which will be a big help. But fortunately, many affordable moving companies offer such services, especially if you live in Switzerlad; moving companies in Zurich will make your moving easier.

Sometimes the decision to leave or stay has less to do with the apartment and more with creating a shared sense of ownership and beginning a new chapter in the relationship.


 Preparation, implementation, and post-implementation of money


Many people avoid discussing money. You and your significant other may have differing views on budget management based on your prior financial experiences. Student debts, auto payments, and credit card debt may all dramatically impact your budget. Discuss your costs, income, and possible funding for a new residence. Discuss the responsibilities of each party, such as utilities, groceries, and rental insurance. After you’ve handled the rent budget, continue discussing shared costs during and after moving in. A 50/50 split is only sometimes the most equitable method to divide revenue.

Buying stuff for a lower price is an essential part of saving money. Fortunately, you can find many more affordable grocery stores in Germany, which can benefit your situation.


Communication is the key


Communication is essential while selecting whether or not to live together. It’s critical to communicate issues and check in frequently. If necessary, schedule a weekly family meeting to discuss difficulties. If your partner leaves socks in the living room and it concerns you, say something or let go. Unpleasant sentiments toward each other will lead to bad feelings and an eventual breakup.

Communication is essential in every relationship, but it is especially crucial regarding mental health. Being able to express what your partner can do to support you, whether it’s giving you some space, comfort, or picking up your favorite goodies after a hard day, is the simplest way to receive what you need and the most direct approach for them to support you during difficult times. Certain acts or emotions of persons with mental health issues may appear unreasonable and confusing to their partners. Resist the need to shut down or push your lover away, and try to communicate with them if your mental health worsens.

Mental health

Since it is known that during the period of moving in with your boyfriend, you will be tired physically because of all the packing and other duties, and also mentally because of the emotional stress from the idea of living in a space with your boyfriend, and doing all things in the right way. How you can improve your mental health besides communicating with other people is by sleeping 6-8 hours a day since it helps you regain the physical energy that you need to continue dealing with moving things out and organizing them. Next, sleep slows your brain activity which leads to better emotional management and better thinking, thus, resulting in a positive boost of your psychological well-being.


Set a limited time


Here’s one that only gets a little attention: screen time. In this day and age, when our iPhones are almost an extension of our bodies, it’s critical to understand screen time limits now that you’re living together.

There may be an imbalanced screen time, and one person may feel overlooked. To preserve good communication, acknowledge each other and spend quality time conversing. Implement a no-phone policy during dinner, or if you like screen time, set aside some time to do something exciting together.


To sum up, moving out is an essential step in everyone’s life and is another step in individual growth, especially when you are moving out with your partner, which requires commitment. As we mentioned above, for some crucial steps, you can also make a to-do list ahead of time, so you do not forget anything.

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