
Fear of dentist: keys to overcome

The visit to the dentist is used to to be one of the queries but reacias to do by a good part of the population. These people postpone to the maximum solve buccal problems, as they can be pains of encías or buccal cleanings. All this by fear to the dentist. This is known as like dentophobia and suffer it, at least, one of each ten people. The first key to surpass it is to attend to a dental clinic of confidence, but go to try descifrar some of the keys to surpass it or at least remit largely this fear to the dentist.

Firstly, say that to consider  a phobia, have to present  severe symptoms of dental anxiety. That is to say, na excessive worry, persistent and durable in all that related with the the dentist and the context that surrounds it, his beat white, the chair, the lights focusing us, the utensils that uses or the mere fact that a stranger manipulate us the mouth with the feeling of invasion on our body that produces. It is obvious that this was not very pleasant a priori, but the odontofóbicos it extreman until an irrational fear that can do that a person leave to attend to the specialist with any excuse with the consequences on the health that this comports.

No all the people that have fear or that dislikes them attend to the dentist present this extreme picture, but they feel some normal anxiety before the query but that attend finally because they are able to control his fear. The dentophobics will try to avoid it at all costs motivated by false beliefs derived many times of own previous experiences or extraneous that justify these thoughts of avoidance to the dentist.

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10 keys to overcome the fear to the dentist.

The following councils can help to ones and to others to surpass these erroneous thoughts that will serve so that our visits to the chair of the dentist are more pleasant and bearable.

  1. Inform you. Speech with familiar or friends on his experiences with professionals of guarantees, clinical search of confidence and comments on the same to find like this to the professionals that give you more guarantees, this will relieve your fear. Besides, you can inform you on the new technicians that use  nowadays, much less invasivas of what believes  and painless. Speech with your professional dentist on these technicians or methods of sedation to avoid desinformación or bad interpretations.
  2. Reflexiona On your own fear. If all the world goes to the dentist and does not happen them at all why went me to happen to me? Give you a time to think the problems that can carry to feel fear, identifies cuales can be and put them on the table. Really it is for so much? You will darse that the profits will compensate any fear.
  3. Speech with your dentist on your fears. The odontólogos are professional by which have happened a lot of cases of people like you that felt fear and will explain you at first hand as it will be the process to make to reassure you before putting you hands to the work. You do not have fear in speaking, express our fears is the first step to surpass them. You can attend simply to receive information to  to make consults it days before the real appointment to prepare you mentally with time.
  4. It asks appointment to an early hour. You will ask you what will have to see the hour to which go to the dentist. The people with a real fear to the dentist will try to put excuses along the day to avoid go. If the hour is in the morning early less probabilities to justify the absence. Besides, what before remove it to you of on better, but will be all day giving him gone back to your visit to the dentist what will limit you cognitivamente in the rest of tasks of the day.
  5. It agrees a signal with your dentist so that it stop if you need it. For example, say him that will raise a hand, an eyebrow when you feel you uncomfortable. The simple fact to know that have a form to stop all will give you security and control on what sucede.
  6. It attends accompanied. This basically is to be distraido during the time of wait, a good conversation that you abstraiga will avoid you go in in loops of unnecessary thought.
  7. It learns to relax you. You can learn some technician of relaxation or even consult with your dentist if possible take some type of medication, that the specialist recommend you to calm the state of anxiety.
  8. It listens music. The music is one of the most efficient forms of abstraernos, all use it in other fields and can be a good form to avoid listen noises that condition you like the noises of the instrumental of the dentist. Question to your dentist if you can put you some cases and listen music while he works. It chooses your playlist personal or takes advantage of to listen the last disk of your favourite group.
  9. It sees of less tomore . If you have to make a greater intervention, asks to your dentist if you can make first another type of interventions pair go of less to more and go accustoming to the instrumental and to the method to learn to feel you safer of you and of the professional that attend you. As you will see that everything will go well, will dare to go to more.
  10. Speech with your dentist at the end. Ask him to the dentist by as it was the intervention and if your behaviour has been the suitable, the most likely is that it reinforce you and will give you confidence for the following time.

The buccal health is very important by what do not neglect you and applies some of these technicians not to shelve it. If you see that you only are not able to surpass it, attends to a professional psychologist that will guide you in surpassing your fears. It smiles.


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!