Speak of self-esteem is to speak of the beliefs that have on us same, of what perceive about our own capacities, skills or thoughts. We same are the main engine of our psychological and emotional welfare by what have a high positive self-esteem will be ours main source of energy to the personal growth.
We can define the self-esteem like the assessment that a person effects of himself same in function of his own description and involves a complex affective representation and cambiante that can reflect in a degree of own satisfaction.
The people with a high self-esteem show well achieve same and consider stronger of face to face the challenges of the life. However, the people with a low self-esteem are used to to tend to perceive the reality and like this same of form distorted with the consistent repercussion on his own personal acceptance and his autoeficacia perceived.
Difference between self-esteem and egocentrism.
No for having a high self-esteem a person is egocentric. The egocentrism bases in the feeling of superiority and exclusivity on the other. The self-esteem represents more a harmonic state personnel, of coherence, that allows to grow, progress and learn of the world that surrounds us and of us same.
Low self-esteem and cognitive distortions.
One of the main causes of a low self-esteem is the related with the distortions of the thought, or cognitive distortions. When we make visions unfit on us same or the world that surrounds us produces an erroneous processing of the information that carries us to misunderstand the reality. Some of the irrational interpretations more common are what follows and can learn more on them in east another article: The 17 cognitive distortions more frequent:
Councils to increase the self-esteem.
The best form to learn the tools to improve the self-esteem is by means of the professional help. If you seat that your self-esteem is weakened and affects you to your daily life attends to professional skilled psychologists in emotions and warn the pathological self-criticism.
And no only when it already is weakened, but before. It takes care your mind. To the equal that take care other more physical appearances of our person is convenient to keep our emotional levels in healthy states by what attend to courses of self-esteem will be your elder baza to warn the negative emotional states and improve the personal performance in all the facets of the life. Seat you more alive and better with you same, the self-esteem also works .
Basic rules to increase the self-esteem.
Fortalezar Ours self-esteem is possible, but this involves to achieve a series of fundamental aims, as what follows:
Process of improvement of the self-esteem.
As we already said the self-esteem can work and for this is convenient that attend to workshops of professional psychologists that will guide you in the process of learning for the improvement of the self-esteem. Basically, the process for the improvement would be the following:
Anybody has said that it was easy to improve our self-esteem, but is possible. It attends to a professional if you are not able to do it by you same. The psychologists do not bite. And you, that do by your personal self-esteem?