Psychologist Help

Life phrases: effects and functions.

The motivational sentences or of life invade the social networks. With a simple sentence, if it is good, can arrive  to receive thousands of likes or “like me” and be shared immediately by that that seats  identified with the meaning of the sentence. The research of the positive reinforcement of the like viraliza his use until masificar our walls or timelines of Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We do not forget us neither of this group of Whatsapp that all have in which the only that does  is to share this type of content. We go to try explain why like this type of sentences.

They work the motivational sentences or of life?

They exist a lot of and original sentences of life or motivational but so that they work has to exist a true positive predisposition previous in the person that receives it. The receptor of the sentence has to have an active style of personality, is what knows  in psychology like optimism disposicional. The optimism like variable of the personality does reference to the tendency to think that will experience  good results in the life (Sheier and Carver, 1992).

This initial predisposition is related with the autoeficacia perceived, understood this like the own conviction to be able to carry out successfully a determinate behaviour. That is to say, a person with an autoeficacia perceived drop and with low optimism disposicional the simple fact to see a sentence will not motivate him the sufficient as to make a change in his life.

This does not want to say that they never work, simply that they do not do it with all the world by equal and do not do “magic” by himself alone. In fact, a sentence of this style in hands of a person that does not find  under some positive predisposition even could become contraproducentes when generating frustration, feelings of inability and false comparisons with third.

>> Article related: Autoeficacia profession: a push to the labour success. 

How they work the motivational sentences?

Once known that it has to exist a positive predisposition initial exist some psychological criteria so that they work. His operation can be explained by the cognitive psychology-conductual under the paradigm of the condicionamiento concealed, more specifically thanks to the auto-reinforcementpositive concealed and the assertion concealed.

Auto-reinforcementpositive concealed. 

It produces  auto-reinforcementpositive concealed when we imagine an objective behaviour and us autoadministramos of form imagined his consequences reforzantes positive. Therefore, if a sentence achieves to wake up in our imagination a beneficial situation for us this image could serve like motivating stimulus (reinforcement) to the realisation of a behaviour.

Assertion concealed.

Regarding the assertion concealed, produces  produces  the interruption of the negative thought and later fill it up with one positive. That is to say, if we are in bad series and see a sentence with a positive aim, could do us detain a negative thought, although it was by an instant, creating space to incorporate a positive thought, linked to the sentence that are reading.

We are training to our brain for the realisation of a behaviour.

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Criteria for the operation of the sentences.

  1. Own identity. The sentences that read have to be reconverted to a real application. That is to say, the sentence has to purchase an own identity for the reader in a determinate appearance of his personal life, does them his.
  2. Big emotional load. To achieve that an appointment store  in our memory and serve of positive stimulus has to wake up our emotions, do us feel. To what greater emotional intensity of the meaning of the better sentence implementation of new thoughts. Therefore, what more impactantes and visual greater repercussion and reaction.
  3. Knowledges. The sentences have to contribute something new so that they attain to have a May hit. They have to do us think. In fact, the obvious and superficial sentences only occupy space and unnecessary time.
  4. Source of inspiration. The sentences can serve like this first stimulus to initiate a behaviour.
  5. I unblock. A sentence can serve like help when a person finds  blocked or does not know to express what him sucede in case same.


Which is your favourite sentence?

One of mine finds  in the letter of the song “My Coconut”of the Pirate Spanish group:

The hard penalty as much as want to you follow crying.

It leaves in comments your favourite sentence 🙂



Sheier, M.F. And Carver, C.S. (1992). Effects of optimism on psychological an physical well-being: Theorical overview and empirical update. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 16. 201-228


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!