Language Social

7 Tips to improve and enhance your social skills

mejorar habilidades de comunicación

The communication is one of the sustentos of the evolution of all species, is the capacity to be able to transmit information of ones to others so that this serve to improve different appearances of our life. Learn some good communicative skills is therefore one of the best tools of personal improvement thanks to which will be able to relate us with our surroundings of way more efficient by means of dialogues more fluent and of greater quality.

7 tips to improve the social skills

They are many the competitions that along our life go purchasing with the own experience of communication. We are social beings and of this interaction go learning different mechanisms of improvement of our social skills of innate way. However, if we do us conscious of some of the best strategies will improve substantially our interpersonal relations. These are some of them.

  1. It listens active

It is important that the person that is communicating  with us know that we are understanding it and seats this feedback that will improve the quality of the message, will do it more concise and will avoid divagaciones in the conversation. We can make small gestures like nodding, or say some words that suggest that it is understanding  what is saying . Use words as “I understand…”; “yes..”; Make some question to clear what is speaking  or even make comments to enrich the dialogue. The conversation flows better if so much messenger like receptor put of his part to attain it.

  1. Asertividad And emotional management

In occasions, during a conversation the person that transmits a message does not do it of the all free but constrained by some type of fear or fear to express his beliefs and feelings to the person that has in front. The asertividad is this emotional capacity to know express what wants  without damaging to the other. It is the social skill to know say that “no” in front of a request that does not want to  make without creating conflict.

  1. Visual contact

By the eyes goes in a lot of information and are highly expressive. When we look to another person when speech are awarding him our confidence. The look is the first connector between two people by what has to look  to the eyes when it speaks , although no of abusive form and take advantage of the spaces in the conversation to look to another side, but yes look to the eyes when it is explaining , especially in the most important subjects of the conversation. These looks can give notable information on what is more important of the dialogue. The look also is a stimulus of feedback to know that they are listening us, that no only hearing.

  1. Emotional coherence

The words that say have to be consonants with the emotion that feels  when we express them. The emotions are the processes psico-physiological that induce us to act of a determinate way. Work our emotional intelligence through the autoconocimiento and know put name to our own emotions will help to that this emotional information was very moved to our speech.

  1. Empathy

Related with a good emotional management is the empathic capacity to put  in the place of the another to affective level to know how can be  feeling the another person and if this emotion is coherent with what wants to express. Be empathic will help to improve the flow of the communication since we can contribute affective comments that improve the emotional understanding of what wants to communicate .

  1. Language no verbal

No only we communicate with words but also we do it with our corporal movements, the distance to which find us, the gestures that make with arms, hands and legs. It is important not having a very defensive position (unless yes we want to defend us of an attack), for this can avoid have the arms crossed or launch challenging looks.

  1. Negotiation

The postures of two people (or of more)  do not have reason be the same, in fact  do not are used to to be it. This is something that evolutivamente does us improve because we learn of the tarpaulins of the other and try them retort in our conversations. In front of this situation of disequilibrium of interests is important to keep the conversation when these interests yes are common without invading too much to the another person until little by little it have a conversation  until a point more in common of the thematic that was treating . This yes, respecting the beliefs and ideals of the other and making a no violent communication.

Finally and no less important is to try create a climate distended and without tensions, that improve the complicity in the conversation and, to be necessary, that the sense of the humour was part of the conversation. To all likes us the laugh, so much ours as see it in the other.


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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