
12 errors interviewer in the selection of staff.

A job interview looking to obtain accurate information of our candidates for further evaluation so the interviewer is a key figure in the process of face to collect this information efficiently. There are many articles that talk about the mistakes that should not commit during a job interview, as I interviewed, but, what errors are most frequent interviewer during the interview?

The person conducting the interview is to be governed by certain certain basic principles: individualization (no two people are alike), objectivity, self-determination (right to make decisions), neutrality, absolute respect, confidentiality, trust, namely strengthening, listen , ask, obtain and record information, etc. These principles are broken when the interviewer incurs certain errors, such as those detailed.

12 errors interviewer in the selection of staff.

1. Effect halo.

Sometimes the interviewer too globalized idea either for good or bad, because being influenced by one particular quality is made. We tend to empathize better and evaluate more positively to a person who has qualities in common with us. In a job interview this can lead to errors in the choice of candidate, not because you like the same music will be better or worse employee later. His skills do not depend on that.

2. Preconceived ideas.

When the interviewer enters positively or negatively evaluate the candidate without any objectivity. Perhaps the leading spot in the suit is to be a careless person, but maybe it was for wanting to help a person to cross the street. Ask her.

3. Contrast effect.

When an interviewer is conducting many interviews for a particular job is common to start making comparisons between candidates. The comparison we have to do it at the end of the selection process in the form of assessment and final decision. If the first candidate has an impeccable resume will raise the bar to rest, but the rest may have other better qualities.

4. Relying too much on intuition.

The findings of the interview can not be based only trust our intuition, we are not soothsayers (or psychologists). Exaggeratedly trust our own intuition without objective evidence is like performing a hypothesis without contrast with facts. Try to find out the facts, or as close as possible to them through the interview, you anticipate no results.

5. Make deductions.

We made a mistake if we make a general conclusion from information received without confirmation with the candidate interviewed. That is, if they have heard rumors about mismanagement of his former company does not necessarily had to be because of the management of your candidate. Again, ask to see your response and do not answer yourself with ramblings.

6. Recency effect.

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This error is very common and usually happens in any kind of interpersonal communication. We tend to give more importance to information we received towards the end of the interview. Did what he said at first did not have it?

7. Effect of central tendency.

An interviewer must be objective in assessing the candidate and not qualify everyone with mediocrities. Surely there is no better or worse than another and nothing happens so qualify.

8. Lack of interview preparation.

Logically, the interview must have some preparation. It is a common mistake would find in an interview in which the interviewer does not know what to do with the information you have or do not know what other information you want to know. This results in awkward silences you’ll notice the interviewee. The conversation of the interview must have an ultimate goal and not become a talk aimlessly.

9. Misuse of direct questions.

You have to know when to perform certain direct questions seeking to obtain specific information. If you ask something as complex directly start the interview the interviewee probably he feels attacked and defended with some reluctance to talk about that topic. Calm, interview just started not want to run.

10. Excessive talkativeness.

If the interviewer speaks only go bad. You have to let the candidate explain to offer relevant information. Lack of patience is usually one of the most common mistakes interview the interviewer.

11. Decide on the basis of a few questions.

Sometimes the interviewer has 3 or 4 key questions prepared for him are basic to accept or dismiss the candidate. The interview should not be based only on those questions, there are many more variables and other questions are also important and can modify or compensate the answer to those other questions “key”.

12. Shortage of time.

You have to spend some time on the selection of staff. We are talking about a job that if we choose correctly can reduce the long recruitment costs. If we have to hire and fire a person for the same job several times is something we have done wrong and generates extraordinary cats. So, arm yourself with courage and Dedicate some time to your interview. If we make a rapid and accelerating interview we are missing many important points of the candidate for what we will do an incomplete assessment.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!