The sexual dysfunctions are physiological problems, cognitive, affective or engines that hamper the enjoy satisfactory of the sexual relations in all his dimensions, from the start of the attraction until the culmen of the orgasm. One of the problems that more concern and more cohíbe to the men in his relations is the dysfunction erectile, known also vulgarmente like sexual impotence.
Nowadays, the dysfunction erectileis a disorder that has a diagnostic with suitable solutions for each case so much to farmacological level by means of the use of medicines for the sexual impotence under medical prescription, especially when the causes are of vascular type, or with the help of psychological sexual therapy when the reason of the problem has a more cognitive or emotional reason.
The current treatments improve of considerable way the capacity of rigidity and maintenance of the erección of the that suffers it improving his sexual relations and the confidence on the own sexual capacities, that in occasions are limitantes to the hour to establish this type of privacy with the couple.
The sexual impotence is something difficult to assume and that in occasions unseen to the other by fear to the rejection of a possible sexual couple or by the simple fear to feel inferior to the rest of people that manifest a full sexual life. This frustration does in occasions that believe false beliefs on what is or is not a dysfunction erectilelike real sexual problem.
They exist people that think that suffer of dysfunction erectile and his own belief reaffirms his condition, this is a cognitive problem-emotional very frequent that generates even more anxiety in front of the sexual act and sexual stress. Bad combinations for a full sexual relation.
Suffer of dysfunction erectile is not to have had in occasions a punctual impotence or not attaining the necessary erection during the sexual act in determinate occasions, but it involves a maintenance of the alteration during a determinate periodo of time. Specifically, the Manual Diagnostic of Mental Illnesses (DSM-V) speech of of this diagnostic like disorder erectile when it produces in 75%-100% of the sexual activities in couple or if it is generalised in all the contexts at least one of the following three symptoms:
Besides, this disorder has to be diagnosed in function of if it has produced along all the life of the individual or if it has been purchased after periods of normal sexual activity or if it produces of way generalised or in function of the context or the concrete situation, for example, with determinate types of sexual stimulation.
The process of masculine sexual excitation presents different phases during which have to coordinate different factors so that it produce of satisfactory way. During the process take part different centres of cerebral processing and cognitive processes that depend partly of the own beliefs of the subject and on the other hand appearances more physiological like the correct production of hormones, the nerves, the musculature and the state of the blood vessels.
If any of these factors has a deficit could give place to dysfunction erectile, therefore, the reasons are of psychological type on the one hand and physiological by the another. In general, the main reasons of sexual impotence are:
To cognitive level-emotional the not attaining have a balance goes to affect directly to the production of the casuística necessary to resolve properly the sexual act, mainly by:
Like biological beings that we are, each movement that make, although it is motivated by our brain and emotions, only will carry out when the rest of physiological mechanisms work properly. Therefore, we can have mentally a good sexual health but that physically, by the reason that was, do not work properly, and vice versa. In this sense to physical level some of the causes of dysfunction erectile are:
The dysfunction erectileis a more common problem of what seems, but that has treatments so much psychological like farmacological that improve the sexual answer of evident way. It leaves backwards the shame for explaining it and gives the step to put you in hands of your doctor and/or psychologist specialist to begin to have or recover a satisfactory sexual life.