
Online psychology, the best support for mental problems in confinement

It finishes the 2020, surely the worst year or at least the oddest for good part of the world-wide population. A marked year by the pandemia of the new coronavirus SaRS-COV-2 that causes the illness COVID-19 that without effective treatment propagated  by all the world and forced to million people to change his habits and routines. A collateral damage has been his big repercussion on the mental health of the population.

Our behaviours have become based in a social distance to the that were not accustomed and that largely of the time turns into quarantines and confinements that limit our activities until the level to have to happen long seasons in solitude in our houses. The services of on-line psychology anxiety have been and keep on being a perfect support to solve the impossibility to attend to a professional.

These quarantines and limitations of the interpersonal relations, added to the uncertainty of the economic and social situation have  an important negative effect on the mental health, that has to be taken care with special attention so much those people of risk that already suffered some mental illness that saw  offended; as those other people  in which the context that live has caused to fall in this type of mental problems.

The diverse studies on the impact of the quarantines have revealed that between the main problems of mental health prevalente in these situations are anxiety, depression, emotional stress, alimentary disorders or problems related with the dream.

Main mental problems tied to the confinement

We go to treat to relate of brief form some of the symptoms of some of the mental disorders offended by the stress generated by a  confinement, already was derived of the coronavirus or any another type of social isolation taxes.

Anxiety by confinement

In this case it generates  an initial situation of even tranquility in a first moment, when knowing  that it is acting  with security in front of an external fact and find  in an isolated safe context of the problem. The people with anxiety have an irrational fear to events incontrolables, by what the confinement gives them a feeling of security that leaves them calm when can avoid like this the virus in the outside.

Nevertheless, to the equal that sucede with the rest of problems of anxiety that try to avoid situations by irrational fears, this bubble will go back  in his against when it have to confront again to the social realities. This will finish aggravating his initial situation.

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So much for these people that already suffered anxiety as for which no, the tremenda situation of social uncertainty, economic and of health will generate levels of stress above the normal and the anxiety will finish by apoderarse of a lot of people that do not attain to manage it to time.

Depression and social isolation

The states of spirit depresivos emerge in situations in which it is missing us social contact or feel us less supported by the others. A confinement, for a lot of people diagnosed of depression that have to happen it in solitude will not be this his best allied. The change of routines or cut our daily activities can give place to processes continued of sadness or apathy that, pushed by the anxiety of the economic situation or even the sudden loss of gathered without occasion to be near of them, finish for developing a problem of depression. The confinement and his collateral effects can cause situations of stress postraumático that in occasions have to be treated by professionals.

Alimentary disorders during the quarantines

Derived of the two previous, is very common that the fact to be isolated and only, free of prejudices or external looks, finish for unchaining alimentary habits little healthy and derived of the anxiety that generates problems of alimentary behaviour. Without another thing where relieve tensions, the food can be a stimulus that some people perhaps can not control.

Problems of the dream during the confinement

It has registered  a considerable increase of problems to conciliate the dream or derivatives of the same during long periods of confinement. Dreams little reparadores for chaining nightmares and woke up nocturnal or habits of dream little appropriate because of these changes of routines that kept our cycles circadianos stable. Have a good hygiene of the dream is fundamental to compensate these changes of habits that can arrive afterwards to establish  by the long length of the confinements in some cases.

The on-line psychologist: a professional to your scope in the distance

The new technologies and the videoconferences have been the big allied during the confinement to compensate the fault of physical social interaction. In this sense, for the prevention and treatment of our mental health the figure of the psychologist continues being fundamental like professional of the mental health and other emotional problems through the on-line therapy. The easy access and the immediate help of qualified professionals from any point of the planet is one of the tools, but the best, to counter and improve our mental health. It is the most comfortable way, from our houses, discreet and even in occasions until anonymous to request professional help without fears to initiate our therapy, so necessary in these times.

A simple call of telephone to an on-line psychologist treatments can be the first step to improve our personal welfare and of collateral way the one of our gathered so that any pandemia neither any another circumstance of our life that disturb it attain to detain us and follow advancing.


Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!