Categorías: SportOrganizations

Do you train a group or a team? 10 differences

In team sports, as in other organizational areas where composition and interaction of a number of people required for a common cause, is usually heard many times the typical motivational phrases like are a team! or Go team !, how well are these, but only too often to the gallery and beyond inner reality. Collective coaching should ask yourself first this question:

Do I really coached a team or a group?

We expose the differences between group and team in these 10 points.


If the goal is to win a competition to upgrade TEAM’re talking about. In contrast, if the objective is to meet after work to release tension and stay fit GROUP we are talking about.

2. The degree of commitment

If in practice it has a relative flexibility of attendance, punctuality, discipline, etc, we have a group. If, however, the level of demand increases and fulfilled, we give step toward the computer.


We talk about organizational, or sporting culture in this case, the set of experiences generated by sport (social welfare, improve communication …), habits (eg hygiene – shower -), customs (tie their shoes firmly), beliefs and values ​​that characterize the same. If this is insufficient collective and not shared are on the step GROUP, by contrast, they are shared values ​​if we approach a TEAM.


When we train a group we do not focus on the individual but on making training in line with the whole group, there is no such specificity and tasks are distributed equally. If our intention is to create EQUIPMENT collective tasks deemed to be more specific for positions and capabilities to enhance the skills according to each team member and for the benefit of all.


The groups tend to be more fragmented. This is easily seen when subgroups of the same people in training very easily formed. Each train for himself individually. Do not confuse it with the vision of the coach when planning tasks. Not the same coach to pose individual tasks that the player understand them as individuals in their own exclusive benefit. In the case of TEAMS learning is more collective, everyone learns the benefit of all and are integrated into the provision of training.


Related to the previous point. In groups, the player is independent of the group. The teams are an interdependent variable. The pivot of futsal and closing work individually but the good work of one influence the good work of the other. If we are in a group, the independence of the pivot on the system proposed by the coach will not improve at closing.


The Spanish basketball team won the Eurobasket 2015. Pau Gasol, player of the tournament by far above the rest, always spoke in the plural of the achievements of the team. When we see that many players do not mention the collective achievement, we tend to group.


In groups often there is a person who has a leadership role or if there is a mere coordinator routines. When an aerobics instructor leads a class in which no one knows including runs a group but not a team. The teams there is always the figure of the leader, must normally be exercised by the coach and moved often to a jugador.No However, when the team leader is the player or is there a lot of difference in level between players or the coach has delegated the function to their personal characteristics.

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As mentioned in other sections, groups and individuals take personal conclusions either positive or negative. When players lose a match attribute the errors of classmates, the own coach, referee or more specific causes talk group. In contrast, if the conclusions about the events are more collective character stepped inside the equipment characteristics.


In groups there. No feedbacks or evaluations of what is done
s events mostly intermediate, in this case a small value at the end of the process are performed. In the case of equipment and control self-assessment results for improvement it is constant throughout the entire process to the target goal.

In summary, we can therefore say that a team besides being a collective, is a unit. It consists of individuals interrelated and interdependent, both as regards the objective to achieve and in their ability and opportunity for personal development. The objective is shared by all members who are involved with specific tasks assignments and responsibilities depending on the skills of each. All add up to the ultimate success, which is shared equally by all.

In the operation involved a team culture and a self-assessment of ongoing results. In addition, teams are embedded in a larger group, such as a sports club or a city they represent. Many times, the time duration is limited and, therefore, its existence is dynamic and born by an objective and dissolved once achieved. The latter is the great danger of the equipment, if the goal is achieved difficult to maintain motivation for achieving new challenges.

Neither group is having a bad or a team is very good. It all depends on the context.

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Graduado en Psicología (UNED). Nº Colegiado G-5480 Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales (USC). Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones. (INESEM) Técnico Deportivo Nivel II, fútbol sala (RFEF). Etc...