The anxiety is an emotional and autonomous reaction of the our organism in front of the presentation of a stimulus that consider harmful. Therefore, it fulfils a biological and adaptative function that serves us to anticipate a possible danger.
The anxiety and the fear are related by his relation with a situation of danger, are not the same and fits to differentiate them to comprise the meaning of the term anxiety. Whereas the emotion of fear does reference to the perception of an identifiable present stimulus, in the anxiety produces an anticipation of an unpredictable future stimulus.
>> Article related: When the anxiety is the solution and no the problem.
The problem of anxiety only arises in the moment that this reaction goes back unreal and desadaptativa that turn it into a pathological anxiety. This sucede when with regard to the normal state of anxiety produce demonstrations more frequent, persistent or with an upper intensity that alters our behaviour and beliefs of irrational form which carries him to a state of excessive worry and incontrolable.
Between the criteria diagnostics of the Disorder of Anxiety Generalised according to the DSM-V find :
It remembers that if you seat that your life is being affected by this type of situations have to attend to a skilled psychological centre, as the one of Mila Herrera of Psicoclínica Barcelona.
Basically, a crisis of anxiety or attack of anxiety is an answer of panic during which unchains a feeling of fear or anxiety accompanied of physical and mental unrest. This situation can so much give because of a present stimulus in the moment or without having clear the true motivate trigger, or be a cumulus of situations.
These crises are used to to have an approximate length from among 15 and 30 minutes being in the first minutes when it reaches the maximum level of activation and unrest diminishing paulatinamente from the first 4-5 minutes.
The main symptoms that suceden during an attack of anxiety are:
Before at all, and as it explaining previously, results of little utililidad make any strategy in the first 4-5 minutes from the start of the attack. During this beak of anxiety, because of the high activity the fact to try reduce it the only that will attain is to expand it by the fact that it creates greater frustration to the not being able to stop this situation.
In these first moments, simply has to :
Therefore, what does not have to make is the contrary to here quoted. Not escaping of the place, since in this case would be conditioning us to this situation and could go back to occur us. Try avoid that there are a lot of people that overwhelms you, with that a person remain with you is sufficient.
Under this initial base, expose a summary of some of the most efficient strategies to detain an attack of anxiety:
>> Article related: The phenomenon of the polar bear and the obsessive thoughts.
In the case that alive of recurrent form situations of attacks of anxiety have to attend to a skilled psychologist to initiate a specific training to darse of the internal and external stimuli that produce these states of anxiety incontrolables. For this, the psychologists use different strategies like autorregistros, relaxation or cognitive restructuring or gradual exhibition to learn to lidiar with these irrational thoughts.
You do not feel you uncomfortable for attending to the psychologist, is a normal situation that makes more people of which create and that of natural form improve his quality of life, if have doubts on what means to attend to the psychologist can speak with some person that have gone and know like this some of the things that the people that go to the psychologist want that you know. Put him brake to your insecurities from already putting you in hands of a specialist.
Bouquets, F., Sandín, B., Belloch, To. Manual of Psicopatología, Volume II. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill
Tortella-Feliu, M (2014). The Disorders of Anxiety in the DSM-5. Fascicles of psychosomatic Medicine and psiquiatría of link. Magazine Iberoamericana Psychosomatic, 110.