One of the managerial skills more amount is the capacity to turn into a big orator. Like giving a good talk already was in front of the employees, customers or providers is one of the best bazas for the business growth through the communication. And it is that the professional success does not depend only of a technical specialisation or specific and intellectual knowledges of the person, but of a good communication with the rest of estamentos business. This is the posture defended by the model based in the emotional intelligence applied to the business management. But, how do a talk?
Independently of the type of talk that want to give always will have to take into account three fundamental technicians so that dominating them all convert you and an excellent orator in front of for your audience, was what was. These technical are known like the three V, of Verbal, Visual and Vowels.
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In the verbal plane, to perfect our communication can apply the following technical or rules:
It does reference to the visual image of the person that goes to project like orator in front of his audience and no to the images that can show like visual support in his presentation. The orator has to show interesting in front of the people that attends to the conference so that his public loans him the maximum possible attention. For this can apply the following three visual rules basic:
It does not treat so much of the personal image or the clothes of the speaker, but of the attitude that shows in front of his audience.
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The voice is our main instrument of communication by what is fundamental for our exhibition. For this is important to take into account these three basic rules vowels:
So that it produce a correct communicative process three are the factors that go to influence in the quality or in the effectiveness of the process: coding, decoding and the noise.
These three variables have to have controlled in the measure of the possible and know them of in front of hand so that in the case to know this weakness do not take us of surprise in the middle of the conference and can solve it with guarantees.
Other factors that can influence in the communication are the relative to the no verbal appearances, as they are the movements that do with the body, the personal presence of the communicators, the personality, the posture, the gestures, the facial expressions, the movements of the eyes and the physical contact.