Sport Education

6 basic questions to create a sport model of teaching-learning


Teach and learn

. Thiss has ton be the maximum s of all school that  precie and like this have to be understood also the sportive schools. In too many occasions, the familiar context of the players does not understand that behind his trainer hides  an educator that follows a process of education-learning in search of formative aims. The same that sucede in the school.

The model of education-learning is one of the basic pillars for the correct training of players. The contents to teach and rest of variables have to be controlled so that it do not lose  the information and the process of education-learning continue his rhythm, like part of the identity of the club and of his know-how (knowledge). The trainers and players come and go, but the model prevails. It is the only form that the players keep his training of progressive way and the trainers know what have to do in function of the formative stage and the specific aims of the same.

Creating a model of education-learning.

Order all the information that have in our club, the contents to teach and rest of variables of our model goes through to answer to the questions of the “6 W’s”, in groins: Why, What, When, Where, Who and hoW.

  1. Why we want a model of education learning? Many are the profits to create a model of common education: keep our style of game so that the players asimilen concepts of gradual form; keep the information in the time; strengthen the information; improve the sportive planning and the feedback; improve the control and follow-up, etc.
  2. What want to teach? This question answers ordering the contents of your sport and create hierarchies of needs. For example, in futsal the big groups of contents are: technical-coordinativos; tactical-cognitive; physical-conditional and psicovolitivos. These contents, although of complex first preparation will serve of guide for the trainers.
  3. When we have to teach? The sportive education has to follow a series of stages curriculares in function of the formative ages, tol equal that sucede in the traditional educational system. Lto sportive education divides in big blocks that go  subdiviendo in subetapas formative with his specific contents and his level of corresponding requirements to the level of the development psicoevolutivo of the players. If the educational structure is used to to begin by the childish education, afterwards the primary, the education secundarito compulsory, the bachillerato and the university until arriving to the labour market, andn the sportive training sucede the same. An example of secuenciación of the sportive training by stages could be: stage of pre-initiation (3-5 years), training multilateral global (6-9 years); training multilateral oriented (10-12 years); initiation to the learning específico (13-14 years); stage of tecnificación specific (15-16 years) and finally a stage of tecnificación upper (17-19 years). All this properly programmed in his sessions of annual work and the time devoted to each sportive concept, progressing to complete the total of our general sportive structure. Once arrived at the end of our training will have learnt all the contents of our sport.
  4. Where we go to make it? All the previous would not have felt if we do not adapt the work to the needs and infrastructures of our club. Identify with the city or neighbourhood of origin, select the installations or adapt to the existent, inscribe to our teams in the most adapted competitions to his formative characteristics. This last entendiendo that the competition is a half of training more and no an end, the end always is the integral training. The sportive results will arrive over time. This is of vital importance to the hour of inculcar the sportive culture of our organisation and of our stakeholders (groups of interest). In definite , schedule on our own reality will avoid back frustrations for establishing complex aims.
  5. Who goes to make the project? The trainer assimilates the functions of professor-educating by what have to be highly qualified. It tends  to identify to the big alone trainers con those that train in the elite, but is in the base where have to be the big formadores sportive. The authentic formative elite are the trainers that inculcan the knowledges to the players from small. Think it, a player of elite has to arrive with the already assimilated knowledges of before if it has assimilated all the formative stages. In the elite the trainer turns into the boss, in the leader of the group. However, in the base the trainers are the authentic professors, the university doctors that give the classes to his students so that the day of tomorrow go in in the labour market with all the competitions purchased. Trainers formed that they know to carry out your educational plan-sportive. In the “who” do not owe to forget us of the rest of people that form the organisation: directors, institutions, sponsors, families and federations. They also form part of the formative process of the players.
  6. How we do it? Structuring, scheduling and developing. Yes, it is a complex process but that makes once and afterwards will go  adapting and improving with the follow-up of our project. Once done the guide all will result simpler. The smallest contents go  structuring in units of greater learning and these ordering along the stages of training. To achieve this need a planning of the work of our trainers with his corresponding follow-up and control. It would not serve of at all if in spite of having a sportive planning made the trainer does not follow it. First it teachs  to add and afterwards to multiply. Inside each formative stage has to exist a process of secuenciación temporary, contextualización, analysis of the individual game, analysis of the collective game, contents and formative aims, resources (human, material and infrastructure), the methodology of education-learning applied, attention to the diversity and some criteria of evaluation and progress adapted.


Form and educate. Form is not the same that educate. Can be  educated and not being formed and to his time be formed but not being educated. The sport like half to achieve both things. The sport is not the end, but a half, a tool of help to the social welfare and the vital development integral of the people.

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!

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