Categorías: Education

4 strategies in education to prevent bullying

One of the most difficult obstacles teachers have to overcome in the classroom is bullying. Teachers must be prepared to detect and stop any kind of aggression in time. To do this, teachers need to have specific training focused on bullying. Currently, there is a huge variety of online courses to provide professionals with knowledge in these situations. You only need to investigate and discover the best online training for psycho-pedagogues with the Master’s Degree in Psychological Prevention at School.

What is bullying?

Bullying is defined as any type of continuous physical, verbal or psychological aggression that a child suffers from his or her schoolmates. It usually consists of teasing, threats, insults and beatings. This practice usually has serious consequences in the lives of the victims, because it diminishes their self-confidence.
A timely response from teachers can reverse this situation. For this reason, it is essential to invest in the preparation of principals and teachers for situations of bullying.

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4 strategies to prevent bullying

Schools must provide their students with a safe space free from violence. To achieve this, it is important to implement some strategies that will help in its prevention:
1. Detect the problem: the first step is to find out if any children within the school environment are suffering physical or psychological abuse. There are a series of indicators that allow us to recognize if there are any cases among the students. A child who suffers from bullying usually misses a lot of classes, changes his or her clothes and hairstyle, and has a lack of communication and attention.
2. Involve students: children must be part of the solution. Teachers need to talk to students about bullying and ask them to come up with ideas to solve the situation. That way, they will become part of the problem. It is important to include passive students, who are neither victims nor bullies, in these talks so that they feel involved and put themselves in the other’s shoes. That way, they will have tools to help the victims.
3. Pay attention to the bullies: the bullies must also receive attention. Teachers should help them to reduce their aggressive behaviour. Usually, bullying occurs because children feel unsafe or inferior. They may need help from a psychologist to deal with the cause of their aggressive behaviour.
4. Educate: children should be taught the importance of being empathetic and putting themselves in the shoes of others. Role-playing helps children understand the emotions felt by others. On the other hand, it is also essential to explain to students that practicing any kind of bullying in the school environment will have consequences.
In conclusion, bullying can have serious consequences for the health and lives of its victims. For this and many other reasons, teachers must be prepared to respond appropriately to these situations.

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