If you’re reading this you’re probably turning over in bed with the phone in hand, trying to find solutions to fall into the arms of Morpheus and sleep like a baby. Well, you are already making a first error to get sleep effectively.
If you do not want your lack of sleep becomes chronic, resulting in a disorder that needs a psychological or greater psychopharmacological treatment (usually doctors prescribe benzodiazepines), you may need to pay attention to these small patterns of sleep hygiene.
Insomnia is one of the primary sleep disorders are those that appear as a result of any change in the mechanisms of sleep-wake cycle, sometimes aggravated by psychological factors. The other sleep disorders that exist are related to a mental disorder, a medical illness or disorders due to substance-induced sleep.
Primary disorders in turn are divided into:
- Dyssomnias: disorders of the quantity, quality and timing of sleep, such as insomnia or jet lag.
- Parasomnias: problematic behaviors or events that occur during sleep.
Do not be alarmed. Probably do not have any of these types of disorders if not lack of sleep is affecting your daily performance, you feel significant discomfort or does not occur at least 3 nights a week. Do not autodiagnostiques without consulting a professional!
Within insomnia in turn we can be divided into three types:
- Initial Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep.
- Middle Insomnia: Awakening at midnight after sleep onset, albeit with difficulty.
- Terminal Insomnia: Awakening before the usual time to do with inability to resume sleep.
Well, once made the introduction we go to what matters.
15 psychological tips for good sleep hygiene
What comes with having a good sleep hygiene is to educate to improve environmental factors and reduce bad habits that adversely affect sleep.
- Lie down to sleep only when sleepy. Although you usually go to bed at the same time, if one day so it does not have sleep, do not go to bed. All you do is continue to activate the brain reviewing the day, planning the next or worrying because you do not give sleep, normal, you’re not sleepy.
- Relatedly, not stay in bed without sleeping more sleepless 15-2o minutes. If you do not you asleep, lift the ass a bit and relax outside, a walk around the house can help sleep. Yes, I know it is very warm under the covers on a winter night but …
- If you get late at night and slept days, not delay the alarm. You have to get up at the times you have scheduled. If you’re sleepy, you recover the next night.
- Avoid sleeping during the day. The famous nap after lunch will give you energy to keep on during the night. If you need a nap more than 20 minutes and never late into the evening.
- The bed and bedroom only used for sleeping. It is very common people who used to read before bed, watch a show, studying, talking, etc … We have to accustom our brain to identify bed with sleep. Increase mental activity is not going to help sleep. Okay, in bed you can also do what we all thought, is an exception;)
- It establishes a set of behaviors related to sleep, work of pointing the act of sleeping: brushing teeth, reading or watching something (better outside the bedroom), prepare clothes the next day. Controls sleep-related stimuli.
- Obviously, do not eat before sleeping exciting substances: coffee, Coca-Cola, tea, alcohol, snuff … But not only before sleep but a few hours earlier.
- Make a light and a dinner or two hours before bedtime. If you just before sleep comes peckish you can take some milk or a relaxing infusion. Yes, no chocolate or similar swim with milk and tea. Do not go to bed hungry.
- Do not exercise late in the day. Active organism. Same thing happens if you make a hearty dinner, metabolism is working. Exercise will help you sleep, but whenever you do it at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
- It establishes a schedule for bed and go to sleep. Considering points 1 and 3. That is, if one day you wake das asleep but as always I assure you that the next day you’ll be more tired with what you’ll get your usual (or help it) schedule.
- Do not read this post in the dark in bed. Yes, bright light NO facilitates sleep.
- You have the phone in hand. You see the time. Arrgh it’s late! For that that, try not to keep an eye on any clock. You will create “anxiety” to sleep as you see passing the minutes.
- Keep the room ready for sleep. A relaxed atmosphere facilitates sleep. Do not be too light, pleasant temperature, without much noise, try to have it collected and in order when you go to sleep and the bed and ready. If you have to make the bed, put the sheets and all that you are activating you when you want the opposite.
- Do not consult with the pillow. It ruminate in bed will make you spin. Now, this is not easy but I do not know … try to aim your worries in a notebook or mobile. It is a way to externalize and already tomorrow you become to worry if that in them. Rested the best will solve. If you do not stop mulling over things “tricks” the brain thinking about something inconsequential till you drop. Yes, like counting sheep, or make a mental list of some irrelevant issue. It is a simple trick to sleep but it really works.
- Enjoy the sunlight. Yes, circadian rhythms will thank you. During the day you always try to give some sun. If you are working or similar and you can not try to even out the window a bit to see the sun.
I hope that with these little guidelines will be a little easier to sleep at night. Each person is different and each problem has its degree and possible solutions so never hesitate to consult a professional that suits your specific problems.
If you know any other tips to sleep better, feel free to share.
Good night!
If you have been helpful these tips and want to leave me a coffee paid to keep writing wide awake psychological advice can do so by clicking here 😉 Thank you!
Ver comentarios
Esta noche pondré a prueba alguno de los consejos... gracias!!!
Gracias Julia!
Espero sirvan para ayudar a dormir y levantarse con mejor pie por las mañanas.
Excelente Iván ,es necesario hacer conocer a la opinión publica que los psicólogos manejamos los temas que concierrnen a la psicología y, que lo hacemos de manera eficiente felicitaciones por tu pagina.
¡Hola Armando! Muchas gracias por el comentario tan positivo. Son el tipo de cosas que hacen que siga trabajando en el contenido de la web. La psicología debería "asustar" menos a la gente, es la ciencia de la conducta y como tal buscamos explorarla, conocerla y mejorarla en cualquier aspecto, no solo en el clínico. ¡Gracias!