The dysgraphia is a disorder of the learning of the expression written. The boys and girls with this problem present difficulties to write properly with the consequences that this comports to the hour to express , relate and learn. The writings of these boys can be almost unreadable or of a realisation of his very slow strokes. Besides, they are used to to commit orthographical errors bass because of an inability to link the sounds with the letters that has to write.
They exist other disorders of the learning related with the dysgraphia, as they are the dyslexia or the discalculia since the cerebral zones affected by all they are widely shared, by what have to take into account to the hour of the evaluation and intervention. The professional specialists in making this diagnostic are of character interdisciplinar, fundamentally by part of a logopeda and a childish psychologist, in addition to occupational therapists, psicopedagogo or the own teachers already was of childish education, primary or special.
The work of the therapeutic group will focus his work in the cognitive stimulation for the improvement of the processes atencionales, improvement of corporal guidelines and the necessary stimulation so that the boy or the girl relate properly the meaning with the stroke of the letter or word of form coordinated, being the exercises of motricidad fine and the lateralidad important part of the work. The exercises guided are used to to be those that greater ease of learning present for these cases until achieving that it consolidate of automatic way the writing to the sounds and meanings.
To the hour to make the treatment have to take into account other possible disorders associated, like atencionales or other previous pathologies and adapt the exercises to the needs of the boys. The realisation of index cards of grafomotricidad, colorear drawings, fill up spaces or even trace lines in the air are used to to be a great help. Besides, has to take into account the improvement postural and the general corporal diagram.
They exist two big typologies of disgrafia. On the one hand the evolutionary , more common in the boys around the 7 years that are in process of learning of the writing or even in illiterate adults. The purchased dysgrahia does not produce by deficit typical of the learning but the problem is derived of cerebral injuries.
Besides, inside each one of these big groups could differentiate between two own subtypes of both types of disgrafias:
They are many the symptoms that can alert so much to the parents, professors or professional that the person is having problems with his writing, what before identify and happen to make a work according to the special educational needs of the better boy results will produce . Some signals of alert are the following:
If you detect any of these problems is important to attend to a professional to initiate the appropriate guidelines to redirect the process of education-learning.