There are numerous classifications of the types of people according to their behavior to certain tasks. Whether to classify students to better tailor their education or better predisposition to certain activities or try to classify people according to their purchasing behavior, which is of great interest to analysts marketing and neuromarketing. Everyone is different so it is interesting to try to anticipate how they will process certain information for methods and learning styles for each case or know how to position a product in a particular market segment.
US researcher William Edwuard “Ned” Herrmann (1922-1999) became interested in sorting methods and cerebral dominance of people and applying this knowledge to channel personal and professional roles people. The father of the technique of brain preferences and relentless researcher of creative thinking created the HBDI model (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument) inspired by the knowledge of brain functioning.
To represent your model is represented by a sphere divided into four quadrants based on existing models Sperry (left and right hemisphere) and McLean model (cortical and limbic brain). Herrmann crossed these two models to find the source of personal creativity based on the dominance of one or another quadrant in each person.
The four quadrants resulting from the combination of the models represented different ways of thinking, work, create, learn, act and interact with the world. See Figure 1 (spanish).
A. Cortical Left: They are called experts. People with logical, analytical, mathematical, technical and quantitative thinking. They are people who base their behavior on the reasoning and numerical data to support fact-based decisions.
Behavior of people “experts” generally competitive and individualistic cold and calculating, distant, little gestural, highly intelligent, critical, ironic sense of humor.
Types of occupations: physicist, chemist, biologist, engineers, doctors, mathematicians, lawyers, etc …
B. Limbic Left: The organizer style. Structured thinking and aimed at the sequencialization. They organize and plan even the minutest details. They want to know the functioning of things.
Behaviors of “organizing” people: they tend to be introverts with high emotionality, conservative and faithful mentality. Lovers with maniacal power and trends.
Type of professions: business managers, planning directors, administrative, accounting, etc …
C. Limbic Law: The communicator. Often the most idealistic and scattered the 4 types of people. They are people who move by high emotion yet perceive details and aesthetics, have a facility for interpersonal communication, poorly organized and lack of control over himself. People with little autonomy.
Behavior of people “communicators” extroverts, gesticuladoras, chatty, playful, spontaneous and react poorly to criticism.
Type of professions: teacher, social worker, nurse, social communicator, journalist, etc …
D. Cortical Law: Strategists. more visual and innovative people, holistic mindset that reason prefer their thoughts more conceptual, synthetic and creative way. His global vision makes you see things where others do not see, with a strong sense of intuition.
Behavior of people “strategists”: original and humorous people, with good dialogue pada capacity and a futuristic mindset taste for new challenges and the risk involved.
Type of professions: architects, composers, writers, musicians, painters, drivers, designers, etc …
Do not panic, it is not typecast in one quadrant or another. Ned Herrmann developed the HBDI (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument) test with 120 items in which different academic, occupational, recreational and everyday life to locate the quadrant in which each person was based on their brain dominance situations arose.
The results of their studies indicate that 60% of people are in a twin-dominance, with a style of thought located in two quadrants similarly. 30% of subjects had meanwhile to a triple dominance with a style multiple thinking and only 6% of people were framed only in a system of brain dominance. 3% had a quadruple dominance. This represents 94% of the subjects have a dominance in more than one quadrant.
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hola tengo dominacia en las 4 partes del cerebro como puedo maximizar el pontencial ,hice 2 veces el test y los resultados son los mismos
Hola Cynthia. Gracias por el comentario.
La dominancia cuádruple se da en un 3% de los casos, no es mejor ni peor. Simplemente está repartido de forma más equilibrada. De hecho, el 94% de las personas presentan una predominancia en más de un cuadrante.
Potenciar y ejercitar el cerebro no es más que seguir nutriéndolo de nueva información a resolver.
Un saludo.
Hola! Como puedo hacer para responder el test?
Hola Martina.
Em test no se encuentra para su realización pero lo tengo en cuenta y en cuento pueda haré un formulario con él.
Gracias por la visita.
Un saludo.
Hola Iván. Muy buena herramienta!
Sabes dónde puedo conseguir el test? Me interesa conseguirlo
Hola Rossy. Ahora mismo no tengo acceso. Agradecería que si encuentras lo compartas aquí también.
Donde adquiero el test o la editorial
Hola Isabel. No vendo el test desde mi web, debes buscar otros proveedores como por ejemplo a través de Tea Ediciones o similares. Gracias por la visita
Un saludo.
Excelente abordaje del tema!! Muy interesante sobre todo por su aplicación en los distintos ámbitos.
Para l@s interesados en profundizar en estos temas, recomiendo la lectura del trabajo por la dra. Katherine Benziger y el BTSA (Benziger Thinking Style Assessment) apoyada en los estudios realizados por Carl Jung. En dichos trabajos dejan en evidencia c/u de nosotr@s efectivamente tiene una dominancia cerebral o estilo de pensamiento dominante. (BD, BI, FD y FI).
Saludo cordial, Luis
Excelente aporte, Luis.
Un saludo,
Sumercé sí se ha fijado que la imagen que pone está mal, cierto?
Hola. ¿Me podrías concretar algo más? Para poder corregirlo en caso de ser así.
Solicito información para saber en dónde puedo buscar sobre la herramienta que se utiliza sobre el análisis diagnóstico del test de Herrmann, es decir, el gráfico de los cuadrantes, donde se indica con números y líneas la dominancia de la persona. Gracias
Buenas tardes Iván,
Soy Psicóloga Organizacional, quiero tener acceso al Test de 120 preguntas, como puedo adquirirlo?
Hola Alejandra. Siento decirte que no dispongo del test para su distribución. Puedes buscar ese y otros similares en la web especializada:
Un saludo.
Iván Pico
Hello, of cоurse this article is really good and I have learned lot of
things from it regarding Ьlogging. thаnks.