The term comes from the Latin complexus complex, which describes that which is composed of several elements. One of its biggest and known uses is in the field of psychology and is often used without much discretion to refer to a personality problem that too often is used so biased, we’ve all heard someone say that of “fulanito has inferiority complex “or similar things when really that’s not what happens. People tend to talk too fast when a problem of this type may be more complex and not fixed only calling complex, redundant.
In the complex psychology it is defined as the set of unconscious feelings, experiences or integrated into a whole experience that amounts to individual experiences. Generally these experiences were experienced in childhood and later influence personality. The concept is used by the different psychological currents but primarily by dynamic and analytical approaches, and even less in cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Carl Gustav Jung was the first to introduce the theory psychoanalyst, defining it as a set of ideas with a very high emotional charge that guides our way of being. Sigmund Freud, said that each person would have their own complexes in some or other measure. Is famous Oedipus and Electra complex, which will discuss another time.
t is the rebellion of the son against the father, the disciple against the teacher. Aristotle complex is given by the irrational need to impose their own criteria always, always be right at all costs. You can give all ages and is the case of those rebellious children who face their parents or teachers, or adults who act with arrogance over others.
The origin of the name refers to Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), famous and prominent philosopher of ancient Greece disciple of Plato (427-347 B.C.). The student Aristotle believed much higher than his teacher Plato and tried to impose their words and arguments over his experienced teacher. He even came to believe that the philosophical foundations of Plato did not have any foundation, worth of redundancy (again). In fact, when Plato died, Aristotle left Athens, leaving the platonic school and starting his criticism. However, the works of Aristotle were of great importance, considered the father of logic and biology.
However, this obsession to outdo the other and believe better than he is difficult to detect because it is often confused with something very different: healthy self-esteem. That is, having a critical spirit and the need to defend our own views or arguments involves personal courage by which we allow ourselves not get carried away everything they tell us. When we strive obsessively to bring the reason at all costs, it is when the problem occurs. The complex can be transformed into a superiority complex, as well as better believe and be heard trying to silence the opinions of others, overriding our “absolute truth”. This makes you an arrogant, arrogant person, but also self-conscious.
In the fasheldon-cooper-complex-aristotle-the-big-bang-theorymosa TV series “The Big Bang Theory”, one of its protagonists is the fictional character of Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons and has all the earmarks of having complex Aristotle. Sheldon is a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology and has two doctorates and masters, all these studies above have an egocentric personality that makes him consider themselves intellectually superior to any of the people around him, to the point of assuming that one day win the Nobel Prize. If you have seen the show you know what I mean.
Delete a complex task is complex because of its unconscious nature but at least to reduce its effects will be productive to try to follow these simple tips.
Do you know someone else who might have complex Aristotle? Beware prejudice!
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Sí conozco a alguien que tiene complejo de Aristóteles: soy yo. No sabía que se llamaba así pero ya he estado tratando de hacer lo que has sugerido sin saberlo. Desgraciadamente hay muchas personas de mi generación que han sido criadas por madres de este tipo y hemos caído en el error de, para aumentar una autoestima pisoteada, pasarnos al otro extremo. Lo que a mí me ha dado mucho resultado es reconocerlo pero no sólo para mí sino asumir el firme propósito de disculparme puntualmente con las personas involucradas. Al principio se siente humillante, vergonzoso y hasta doloroso, pero hacerlo público sirve como otra "bandera roja" porque así los demás se animarán a decírnoslo la próxima vez (en lugar de evitarnos y huir) lo que reforzará nuestro propósito. Y si somos madres o padres esto es más necesario y urgente aún, no hay nada peor que una madre con complejo de Aristóteles. Gracias, muy buen artículo.
Hola Dani.
Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Muy interesante el modo el que has afrontado tu caso. Seguro que es de gran ayuda para otros lectores que se sientan identificados.
Un saludo,
Iván Pico
No creo que sentirse superior a otros sea malo, si te crees superior a otros, haces cosas que los otros no hacen.
sí, como ser un capullo