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I know what it is: 50 things that only people with depression know

This article is a bit different to the rest of the ones of the web, but have wanted to make a small list with 50 things that only the people that go through a depression or a state depresivo feel, to help in the sensitisation and identification of the problem.

It is convenient to say that these “know what is” only are small examples of derivative feelings of this indefensing learnt and incontrolable of the state of spirit depresive. They do not suppose any type of criterion diagnostic of the problem since the depression does not have to  confuse with emotional states of transitory sadness. You do not doubt in consulting a specialist if you seat you emotionally blocked.

Perhaps, initiate a list of feelings depresivos can help to somebody to feel  identified and sensitise on this problem or even share vivencias. Encourage you to do it through the comments to ventilate negative emotions. We begin:

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50 things that know what are the people in states depresivos. 

  1. I know what is to remain under the hot water of the shower.
  2. Him it that it is to walk by the city and compare with the people that looks happiness.
  3. I know what is to remain in bed all day.
  4. I know what is to feel better while you sleep that awake, imagining worlds.
  5. I know what is to cry without knowing reason.
  6. I know what is to put in bed and happen hours without giving asleep. >> Article related: 15 guidelines to sleep better: the hygiene of the dream.
  7. Him it that it is not feeling passion by your attainments.
  8. I know what is to think in disappearing, literally.
  9. I know what is to paralyse by not wanting to defraud. >> Article related: Perfectionism inmovilizante.
  10. I know what is to listen a song and cry. >> Article related: 25 songs on the happiness.
  11. I know what is to stroll without course.
  12. I know what is to hate.
  13. I know what is the empty.
  14. I know what is to remain looking the mobile waiting for that something suceda, motionless.
  15. I know what is to try not being what are.
  16. I know what is to go to the psychologist, and feel me better.
  17. I know what is to not to say him to your family that are badly, by not concerning.
  18. I know what is to feel inferior. >> Article related: Complex of Aristotle: believe better that anybody
  19. I know what is to not to give raised because it does not exist motivation.
  20. I know what is to look for new things to do because at all it fills you the sufficient.
  21. I know what is to shout in the middle of a descampado.
  22. I know what is to do you test that confirm your suspicions.
  23. I know what is to feel without energy in spite of not to have it worn. >> Article related: The emotional energy and the states of spirit.
  24. I know what is to be happy, for one moment, and free the empty.
  25. I know what is the pressure in the breast derived of the empty.
  26. I know what is to feel only in the middle of a lot of people.
  27. I know what is that the people think that to you never can you happen at all and are always well.
  28. I know what is not having win to eat. >> Article related: Factors that incite to eat.
  29. I know what is not wanting to neither go out of house to avoid interactuar.
  30. I know what is to feel the sun on the skin and feel you better.
  31. I know what is to dream awake.
  32. I know what is not wanting to open the eyes because inside your dreams seat you better.
  33. I know what is to put false smile.
  34. I know what is to think that the other happier sound.
  35. I know what is to write a text, like east, and free the pain partially.
  36. I know what is to raise of bed and go back to put to bed, several times.
  37. I know what is to do the asleep.
  38. I know what is to read articles on similar cases and feel identified.
  39. I know what is to justify irracionalmente to try look for sense to something.
  40. I know what is to put a song in loop. >> Article related: 20 songs with titles very psychological.
  41. I know what is not collecting the house by fault of motivation.
  42. I know what is to see a film or a series and identify with the feeblest character. >> Article related: Analysis of the series ‘By 13 reasons’.
  43. I know what is to feel anger because you do not know reason seat you like this.
  44. I know what is to seat in the shower with the hands in the head, without more.
  45. I know what is to say: it suffices!, put to do something and to the 15 minutes leave to do it.
  46. I know what is to embrace the pillow to feel his heat. >> Article related: psychological Effects of the excessive heat.
  47. I know what is to feel frustrated by not attaining go out of this loop of negative thought.
  48. I know what is to do sport and feel me better for one moment. >> Article related: The psychological condition of the sporty.
  49. I know what is to be speaking with somebody and at the same time have a parallel internal dialogue. >> Article related: effective interpersonal Communication: maximum conversational.
  50. I know what is to smile because I know what is not attaining do it.

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Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!