
With so many options, what gift do I buy? To much information little decision

The irrelevant information interferes in our taking of decision in front of any situation. It is very usual to happen hours and hours sailing by internet in search of the perfect gift for the next navidades; or choosing the next series of television without carrying out our initial purpose.

All this time sees  wasted when finally we turn off the television without seeing any series or do not attain to decide what give to buy. Or what is worse, take so much time in deciding that when we go to buy it already is exhausted or has finish us  the term so that it arrive in the date wished.

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The irrelevant information collapses our taking of decision

In a previous article spoke of way more extensive on the paradox of election, psychological phenomenon that produces  when it originates  a process of desmotivación to the hour to decide in front of the presentation of a lot of options.

Now, a new investigation carried out by the Polytechnical Institute Rensselaer of New York directed by Ian Chadd (2020) expands this problem of taking of decision adding a new variable: the irrelevant information.

The presence of alternatives no available or irrelevant information generates decisions subóptimas that amplifies this effect and does us abandon our behaviour. Our brain tires  of so much information or stimuli and decides to abandon abandon the task or does not process it properly. The simplicity is what more likes him to our brain, therefore the best available strategies are used to to be clean and free of other factors stimulated that they prevent the taking of decision on what really look for.

The study was published in the Experimental magazine Economics, in which Chadd examines the concept of economic conductual of free exhibition; whereby the resources can be ignored without cost. In a principle thought that  the irrelevant information could omit  easily by part of the consumer without that this supposed a cognitive cost for him.

In the experiment took part 222 individuals that had to answer 40 questions. After the results of the investigation revealed  that all the information presented yes mattered in the process of election and comported big costs of time and cognitive employees in irrelevant information for the person.

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It is therefore, necessary that when you want to that a person fix  in your products have the possibility to be able to filter the information that looks for. Like this it deletes all that that does not matter him of simple and simple way. No longer only expose something free of other stimuli, but also to give him the opportunity to the consumer to be able to choose if ignore or no the rest of the information.

The processes of taking of decision have a high cognitive load and emotional many times dependent of the context, especially when we find us in front of a cognitive dissonance of two conscious ideas but antagónicas in our brain. What do? Which option take?

Why it costs us choose a gift?

When we confront us to a decision, of purchase of a gift for example,  suceden four psychological situations that form a loop and block us in the taking of decision as if of phases treated :

  1. Initial paralysis because of the cognitive effort: What could buy him?
  2. Cost of opportunity because of the comparison with other options, sometimes irrelevant as it says this new study. And if I buy him another thing?
  3. Bias of the expectation, when we think that with so many options surely there is a better that the elected. It will be the best option?
  4. Fault, because when it happens a true time without choosing . And if it does not like him?
  5. Paralysis. Turn to the phase 1.

>> Article related: The no wished gift: how react




Chadd, I., Filiz-Ozbay, And. & Ozbay, And.And. The  relevance of irrelevant information. Exp Econ (2020).

Iván Pico

Director y creador de Psicólogo Colegiado G-5480 entre otras cosas. Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Máster en Orientación Profesional. Máster en Psicología del Trabajo y Organizaciones. Posgrado en Psicología del Deporte entre otras cosas. Visita la sección "Sobre mí" para saber más. ¿Quieres una consulta personalizada? ¡Escríbeme!